Bootscore v6 is here! Learn more

Documentation Theme


New in v6

Bootscore has support for the most common block widgets. All of them uses Bootstrap components for seamless integration.

Supported blocks

All blocks displaying a list utilize the List group component, which doesn’t support nested lists. Make sure to disable “Show hierarchy” in the list settings



Latest Posts

  • WooCommerce 9
    by Basti
    WooCommerce 9 updates the navigation.php template. Although we are not ready to publish the next release yet, we have a patch with the updated file.
  • Bootscore 6.0.0-beta1
    by Basti
    Discover powerful filters for detailed editing, an enhanced offcanvas cart, block widgets, a new top bar widget position, our sleek new logo and more.
  • WooCommerce 8.6
    by Basti
    WooCommerce 8.6 fixes the bugs which came with v8.5. Presently, we’re actively developing Bootscore 6, packed with exciting new features.
  • WooCommerce 8.5 issues
    by Basti
    We recommend to downgrade to WooCommerce 8.4 due to critical bugs in version 8.5. For users on 8.5, a temporary patch for the theme is available.
  • Bootscore 5.3.4
    by Basti
    This update, with Bootstrap 5.3.2, includes many minor bug fixes and improvements. Header actions in WooCommerce are enhanced for a better shopping experience.

Latest Comments

  1. Hi Nathan, I have to check this on your site. Please send WP admin and ftp here https://bootscore.me/private-info-form/. Which theme…

  2. I’ve found the the issuse is that in tag there is data-bs-theme=”light” but can’t seem to find how to override…

  3. Hi Basti – I’ve just tried this method with the updated theme and plugin but it no longer works for…

  4. To child’s custom.js. But this code won’t work with new dark-mode anymore, it was for the old version.


July 2024

WooCommerce Categories

Card in sidebar

New in v6

To ensure proper functionality of widgets in the sidebar, the .card component has been removed from widget registration. You can add cards by utilizing Group blocks and applying classes in the block’s advanced settings:

Group class card
| - H2 class card-header h6
| - Group class card-body
  | - Block widget

Card header

<!-- wp:group {"className":"card"} -->
<div class="wp-block-group card"><!-- wp:heading {"className":"card-header h6"} -->
<h2 class="wp-block-heading card-header h6">Card header</h2>
<!-- /wp:heading -->
<!-- wp:group {"className":"card-body"} -->
<div class="wp-block-group card-body"><!-- wp:archives {"displayAsDropdown":true,"showLabel":false,"showPostCounts":true} /--></div>
<!-- /wp:group --></div>
<!-- /wp:group -->

Using list-group-flush without card-body class:

Group class card
| - H2 class card-header h6
| - Block widget Categories/Archives/... class list-group-flush

Card header

<!-- wp:group {"className":"card"} -->
<div class="wp-block-group card"><!-- wp:heading {"className":"card-header h6"} -->
<h2 class="wp-block-heading card-header h6">Card header</h2>
<!-- /wp:heading -->
<!-- wp:categories {"showPostCounts":true,"showOnlyTopLevel":true,"className":"list-group-flush"} /--></div>
<!-- /wp:group -->
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