Bootscore v6 is here! Learn more


Explore a diverse selection of ready-to-use templates designed for pages, posts, categories, authors, and archives, providing ample customization options for your website.



Page 404

Page not found. Add content using widgets to customize the 404 page.

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Page Templates

Select the templates in the page edit screen Page Attributes > Template.

Post Templates

Select the templates in the post edit screen Post Attributes > Template.

Loop Templates

Each category template is also available for author and archive pages. Learn how to use them here.


Archive Default

Displays the heading as ‘Month: Monthname Year’ and arranges posts in horizontal cards, switching to vertical on small screens. If no sidebar widgets are active, cards spans the full container width.

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Author Default

Displays authors gravatar and bio. Arranges posts in horizontal cards, switching to vertical on small screens. If no sidebar widgets are active, cards spans the full container width.

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Category Default

Displays category name and description. Arranges posts in horizontal cards, switching to vertical on small screens. If no sidebar widgets are active, cards spans the full container width.

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Category Sidebar Left

Displays category name and description. Arranges posts in horizontal cards, switching to vertical on small screens. Sidebar is on the left. If no sidebar widgets are active, cards spans the full container width.

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Category Equal Height Sidebar Right

Displays category name and description. Arranges posts in grid equal-height cards. Sidebar is on the left. If no sidebar widgets are active, grid spans the full container width.

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Category Equal Height

Displays category name and description. Arranges posts in grid equal-height cards. This template has no sidebar.

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Category Masonry

Displays category name and description. Arranges posts in masonry grid cards and bs-masonry plugin is required which is packed inside the bs Loop Templates folder. This template has no sidebar.

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