New plugin: bs TOC

Documentation Plugin

bs Swiper

Integrates swiper.js for customizable card layouts, hero sliders, and related posts, optimizing display across devices via shortcode.


  1. Download Plugin
  2. In your admin panel, go to Plugins > and click the Add New button.
  3. Click Upload Plugin and Choose File, then select the Plugin’s .zip file. Click Install Now.
  4. Click Activate to use your new Plugin right away.


Select template you want to use by replacing bs-swiper-* placeholder in shortcode examples.

  • bs-swiper-card shows items in 4 (xxl), 3 (lg), 2 (md) and 1 (sm) column cards.
  • bs-swiper-card-autoplay shows items in 4 (xxl), 3 (lg), 2 (md) and 1 (sm) column cards with autoplay.
  • bs-swiper-card-product shows WooCommerce products in 4 (xxl), 3 (lg), 2 (md) and 1 (sm) column cards.
  • bs-swiper-hero shows items in a hero-slider with auto-slide effect. Items must have a featured-image.
  • bs-swiper-hero-fade shows items in a hero-slider with auto-fade effect. Items must have a featured-image.


Posts by category

[bs-swiper-* type="post" category="cars, boats" order="ASC" orderby="date" posts="6"]
  • category="" – category-slug, multiple categories separated by comma
  • order="" – ASC or DESC
  • orderby="" – date, title, or rand
  • posts="" – amount of posts to show
  • categories="false" – hide categories badges
  • excerpt="false" – hide excerpt
  • tags="false" – hide tags badges

Posts by tags

[bs-swiper-* type="post" tax="post_tag" terms="bikes, motorbikes" order="DESC" orderby="date" posts="5"]
  • tax="" – taxonomy (post_tag)
  • terms="" – tags-slug, multiple terms separated by comma
  • order="" – ASC or DESC
  • orderby="" – date, title, or rand
  • posts="" – amount of posts to show
  • categories="false" – hide categories badges
  • excerpt="false" – hide excerpt
  • tags="false" – hide tags badges

Single-posts by id

[bs-swiper-* type="post" id="1, 15"]
  • id="" – id of post, multiple ids separated by comma
  • categories="false" – hide categories badges
  • excerpt="false" – hide excerpt
  • tags="false" – hide tags badges


Child-pages by parent-page id

[bs-swiper-* type="page" post_parent="21" order="ASC" orderby="title" posts="6"]

Showing child-pages in parent-page is very useful to avoid empty parent-pages.

  • post_parent="" – id of parent page
  • order="" – ASC or DESC
  • orderby="" – date, title, or rand
  • posts="" – amount of posts to show
  • excerpt="false" – hide excerpt

Single-pages by id

[bs-swiper-* type="page" id="2, 25"]
  • id="" – id of page, multiple ids separated by comma
  • excerpt="false" – hide excerpt

Custom Post Types

Cpt by terms

[bs-swiper-* type="isotope" tax="isotope_category" terms="dogs, cats" order="DESC" orderby="date" posts="5"]
  • type="" – type of custom-post-type
  • tax="" – taxonomy
  • terms="" – terms-slug, multiple terms separated by comma
  • order="" – ASC or DESC
  • orderby="" – date, title, or rand
  • posts="" – amount custom post types to show
  • excerpt="false" – hide excerpt

Single cpt by id

[bs-swiper-* type="isotope" id="33, 31"]
  • id="" – id of custom-post-type, multiple ids separated by comma
  • excerpt="false" – hide excerpt

WooCommerce Products

Shortcode to show products

  • category="cars, boats" – Category slug, multiple categories separated by comma. Will pull products matching these categories (Default: '')
  • id="1, 2, 3" – id of product(s), multiple ids separated by comma. Will show products matching these ids (Default: '')
  • brand="brand1, brand2" – Will pull products matching these brands (Default: '')
  • posts="12" – Specify how many products will be shown (Default: -1)
  • orderby="date"date, title or rand. Specify how products will be ordered by (Default: date)
  • order="DESC" – Specify if products will be ordered ASC or DESC (Default: DESC)
  • featured="true" – Will pull featured products (Default: false)
  • outofstock="false" – Will hide out of stock products (Default: true)
  • onsale="true" – Will show only onsale products (Default: '')
  • showhidden="true" Shows products hidden from catalog (Default: false)

Demo, related posts are above the pagination.

Bootscore v5.3.1 added a hook to all single-*.php‘s:

<?php if (function_exists('bootscore_related_posts')) bootscore_related_posts(); ?>

bs Swiper hooks related posts there showing the latest 12 posts from the same category. This means that the category should have at least 4 posts to show the related posts correctly.


Add filters to child’s functions.php.

Change heading ‘You might also like’:

 * Change related posts heading
function change_related_posts_heading($title) {
  return 'Also very interesting...';
add_filter('bootscore/bs-swiper/related-posts/heading', 'change_related_posts_heading');

Remove related posts:

 * Disable related posts
add_filter('bootscore_disable_related_posts', '__return_true');

Overriding templates via theme

Template files can be found within the /bs-swiper/templates/ plugin directory.

Edit files in an upgrade-safe way using overrides. Copy the template into a directory within your theme named bs-swiper keeping the same file structure but removing the templates subdirectory. Path must be your-theme/bs-swiper/[file].php.

The copied file will now override the bs Swiper template file. Change cards, classes or HTML as you want.

Templates that can be overridden

  • related-posts.php
  • sc-swiper-card.php
  • sc-swiper-card-autoplay.php
  • sc-swiper-card-product.php
  • sc-swiper-hero.php
  • sc-swiper-hero-fade.php


Currently bs Swiper v5.8.6

Visit the Releases page for a detailed changelog. Previous versions can be downloaded from the Assets tab. Install/downgrade via the plugin uploader.

25 Comments on “bs Swiper”

  • Arun Kumar


    How to Change The Hero Swiper Hight I have tried to edit in hero-swiper template am unable to get what I need

    I need to make hero-swiper height 400 px only please help me

    • Basti


      Try this

      .heroes {
          height: 400px;
      .swiper-hero-img {
          object-fit: cover;
          height: 100%;
  • Arun Kumar


    Thank you so much for that code base and how to add an image overlay on swiper.

  • nfgngn cbnbcn


    when i add short code to page e.g
    [bs-swiper-card type="post" category="equal-height" order="DESC" orderby="date" posts="4"]
    nothing happens..?
    Is there something else i’m missing here?


    • Basti


      Do you use a category named “equal-height” on your site? Replace that with slug from your category.

  • nfgngn cbnbcn


    Oh, whoops!? Got it.

  • Andrew


    how do I find the ID of parent taxonomy? I have [bs-swiper-hero type="job_listing" tax="job_listing_category" cat_parent="39" order="DESC" orderby="date" posts="10"] 39 is the ID of the job listing page..


    • Basti


      You will find id when you edit taxonomy/category in backend in the URL. For example &tag_ID=116. In this case id is 116.

  • Andrew


    [bs-swiper-hero type="post" category="test" order="DESC" orderby="date" posts="3"]

    Doesn’t work for me with 3 posts with the category of ‘test’ displays nothing…

    Why would this be? any ideas?


    • Basti


      Please share a link to the site with embed shortcode and a link to one of the posts in this category.

  • Andrew


    Sorry, working on this locally. Not sure what’s going on there.. the cards work no problem with products (using woocommerce) I thought the problem with the slider may be I’m using wp job manager that has seperate ‘categories’ (custom posts?) Job_listing_category job_listings so I tested it with wp regular categories and posts. Can’t get any of the shortcodes to work: child, custom post, page, post..any ideas? Thanks,

    • Basti


      We cannot help on local projects. Please transfer site to a live server.

  • Andrew


    OK, Sorry.
    [bs-swiper-hero type="job_listing" tax="job_listing_category" cat_parent="39" order="DESC" orderby="date" posts="3"]

    Not sure if I have the ‘type’ and ‘tax’ right here..?

    many thanks!

  • Andrew


    • Basti


      Please create an admin account and send user and password to store(at)bootscore.me

  • Andrew



    • Basti


      Your site is 403. Please make sure that everything is fine 😉

  • Andrew


    Sorry, was blocking Europe, I guess thats where you are?

    • Basti



      You should use card template. Heroes need a featured image to work and jobs plugin has no featured image.

  • Andrew


    Oh, o.k. bummer! Hey thanks a lot for checking it out. Much appreciated.

    • Basti


      You’re welcome 👍

  • Henry Sprogis


    Is it possible to change the item-count in view?
    4 in Desktop is too cluttered for me. Would gladly switch to 3.

    • Basti


      Hello Henry,

      you can change this in js/swiper-init.js https://github.com/bootscore/bs-swiper/blob/main/js/swiper-init.js. There you will find slidesPerView: 4,. Change this to 3.

      Important! If you edit the plugin files, make sure that you have disabled the update checker. Open plugin main.php and delete snippet in lines 12 to 18.

      // Update checker
      require 'update/update-checker.php';
      $myUpdateChecker = Puc_v4_Factory::buildUpdateChecker(
      	__FILE__, //Full path to the main plugin file or functions.php.
  • Luke K


    Hey Basti,

    Thanks for creating Bootscore – I love it! It has saved me many hours.

    I have a problem though, I am trying to display products using the BS Swiper plugin and your shortcode [bs-swiper-card-product order="ASC" orderby="date" posts="24" category="products"]

    For some reason, nothing is being displayed when I use the shortcode. I setup a new WordPress installation and installed the latest Bootscore, Bootcommerce Child Theme & BS Swiper and still the sortcode does nothing.

    Is there anything obvious that might cause this?


    • Basti


      Hi Luke,

      thank you. Do you have a category named “products” on your site? Change this with your category slug.

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