The theme and all plugins can be translated with Loco Translate to edit .mo
and .po
Is your language missing? Add it.
Languages available so far:
- Bahasa Indonesia, thanks to Sarif Hidayat
- Čeština, thanks to Petr Žaloudek
- 繁體中文, thanks to TershiXia
- Deutsch, Deutsch (Sie)
- English (US)
- Español, thanks to Daniel Munoz Rey
- Español de Colombia, thanks to Osdeibi Acurero
- Español de Venezuela, thanks to Osdeibi Acurero
- Français, thanks to Mike Collignon
- ελληνική, thanks to Alexandros Kourmoulakis
- עברית (only Frontend), thanks to Benhaim Ido
- Italiano, thanks to Domenico Carbone
- Magyar, thanks to Tamás Dohány
- Nederlands, Nederlands (Formeel), thanks to Jan Revet and Justin Kruit
- Polski, thanks to Marshall Reyher and Mateusz Piwek
- Português, thanks to Gustavo Silva
- Português do Brasil, thanks to Júnio José
- Pусский, thanks to Vladislav
- Svenska, thanks to Emil Lindén
- Türkçe, thanks to Murat Esgin
Daniel Munoz Rey
Hi Bastian:
I can help you with the Spanish tranlation.
Hello Daniel,
thank you very much for your help. I sent you a private message.
Domenico Carbone
if you need help with italian translations, let me know.
Hello Domenico,
thank you very much, I sent you an email. Pls check your spam folder.
Junio Jose
Hi! I can help you with Brazilian Portuguese translations.
Hi Junio,
thank you very much. I sent you a mail, pls check your spam folder.
marshall reyher
Hi Bastian,
I will gladly help you with the Polish translation.
Hi Marshall,
great! Please check your mail inbox.
Thank you
Jan Revet
Hi Bastian,
I appreciate the effort you have put in this project. I could help with the Dutch Translation.
Hi Jan,
thank you very much! There is something in your mailbox, pls check spam folder.
Xavier Ramirez Toda
Hi, I’m translating to Catalan, where can I contribute with my transalation?
Hi Xavier,
thank you very much! There is a mail in your inbox, please check spam folder.
Emil Lindén
Heya! Great template, helps a lot!
Just finished up a translation for Swedish, e-mail me and i’ll hand you the files 🙂
Thanks a bunch!
Hey Emil,
great 👍 There is a message in your inbox, please check spam folder as well.
Justin Kruit
This is an amazing template!
I’m currently making some improvements to the Dutch language by making a copy of the GitHub repo. Can I just send a pull request when I’m done, or do you want the files a different way?
Thanks for the great work!
Hi Justin,
thank you very much for helping to improve the project. PR on GitHub is fine.