Bootscore v6 is here! Learn more

Documentation Theme


Earlier versions can be downloaded via the Github repository. Install/downgrade via the theme uploader.

Load version on Github

  • [FEATURE] Enable cross sell products #577
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Add HTML5 support for styles, scripts and searchform #586
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Add .tags-heading-none selector to hide tags heading in loop heroes 3ccb2c1 #574
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Hide user-toggler in dashboard, mini-cart-toggler in cart and checkout page #602
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Replace card-im-top function in WC loop with Sass variables #609
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Rewrite README.md #618
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Update Pagination for HTML5 compliance 4f89354
  • [BUGFIX] Add missing offcanvas cart .woocommerce-info selector 07ec79f #574
  • [REMOVED] Internet Explorer warning alert 5808169 a3ca6aa
  • [BUGFIX] Exclude empty cart message from remove if offcanvas cart gets closed #580
  • [BUGFIX] .top-button is clickable when not visible #590
  • [BUGFIX] Accessibility behavior #605
  • [BUGFIX] Replace sr-only with visually-hidden #616
  • [BUGFIX] Plugin displayed incorrectly if hooked in form.cart product pages 2264033
  • [UPDATE] scssphp 1.11.1 #581
  • [UPDATE] Bootstrap 5.3.2 5c4c2a4 #574

Load version on Github

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Split functions.php into smaller files #545
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Split wc-functions.php into smaller files #555
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor checkout form validation #563
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Use function for sidebar col width and responsive offcanvas #560
  • [DELETED] thankyou.php 25d5d62
  • [DELETED] terms.php 49eaf4e
  • [DELETED] payment-method.php 8cc4d88
  • [UPDATE] Fontawesome 6.4.2 fc953d3
  • [UPDATE] Update translation template 962bf8f

Load version on Github

  • [DELETED] woocommerce/cart/cart.php f9ba9a8 18c656a 1a51736 ff1be80
  • [DELETED] woocommerce/global/breadcrumb.php 7eb3892 74766e7
  • [DELETED] Closed default ship different adress filter (can be changed in Woo settings) 90da697
  • [BUGFIX] Quantity input if product is sold individually or only 1 in stock left e44e81e #543
  • [UPDATE] Translation template #529
  • [UPDATE] Bootstrap 5.3.1 #534

Load version on Github

  • [DELETED] price.php ad1eba5
  • [DELETED] form-lost-password.php 3c2f6c6
  • [DELETED] form-edit-account.php fd863e2
  • [DELETED] form-reset-password.php 617d663
  • [DELETED] my-adress.php e78a5a3
  • [DELETED] loop/sale-flash.php 6106302
  • [DELETED] single-product/sale-flash.php 9246c3d
  • [DELETED] my-account/form-login.php bd82f53
  • [DELETED] global/form-login.php 8a2f1db
  • [DELETED] order/order-details-customer.php 400631a
  • [DELETED] cart/shipping-calculator.php f5449f1
  • [DELETED] cart-shipping.php 15a4462
  • [DELETED] form-shipping.php 9a9cc73
  • [DELETED] form-billing.php 1dd17b5
  • [FEATURE] Added a hook to all single-*.php‘s for related posts 367724b
  • [UPDATE] WooCommerce 7.9 templates #525
  • [UPDATE] Turkish translation #507
  • [BUGFIX] Enqueue cart fragments script #508
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Changing ms-2 to ms-1 ms-md-2 in top-nav-widget #512
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Replace PHP echo with shorthand 4f5e9b7
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Wrap *-full-width-image.php h1 in div cdb8a60

Load version on Github

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Checkout payment checks & radios #456
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Make main col width dynamic #458
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Replace PHP echo’s with shorthand #459
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor header.php and enable Woo parts if WooCommerce is installed #461
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Enqueue scripts if WooCommerce is installed #473
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Password protected post form as input-group #476
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Formatting the php files #495
  • [BUGFIX] WooCommerce searchform language string #464
  • [BUGFIX] bootscore_category() failing to output categories #465
  • [BUGFIX] Duplicate class property in product-searchform.php 4c9daef
  • [BUGFIX] JavaScript block HTML validation fail in ajax-add-to-cart.php c29635d
  • [BUGFIX] Minor fixes #494
  • [UPDATE] WooCommerce 7.8.0 templates #483
  • [UPDATE] Translation template #469
  • [UPDATE] Bootstrap 5.3.0 #487

Load version on Github

  • [FEATURE] New bootscore_container_class() function #439
  • [FEATURE] 2 more widget areas and improve existing ones #449
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Comments section #446
  • [BUGFIX] Add missing fallback for previous horizontal loop card images #450

Load version on Github

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Make icons in alerts optional and use masks instead of FA font #403
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Use WC strings instead of bootScore in mini cart #410
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor quantity input #405
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Make pagination translation-ready #404
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Horizontal loop cards #428
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Add card-header to sidebar widget-cards #431
  • [REMOVED] WooCommerce table templates #420
  • [REMOVED] Temporary prefix webkit browsers checks, select and form-range defe598
  • [FEATURE] Add a shortcode for inserting Fontawesome icons #413
  • [BUGFIX] Searchform collapse behaviour #411
  • [BUGFIX] Hide duplicate empty mini-cart message in cart page #434
  • [UPDATE] Translation template #422
  • [UPDATE] Font Awesome 6.4.0 #435

Load version on Github

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Remove WooCommerce notice templates #372
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Remove WooCommerce btn templates #386
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Add more control over scss compiler #375
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Offcanvas cart notices b2a822b, 3872704, eccb9af
  • [UPDATE] screenshot.png 016bfc7
  • [UPDATE] Fontawesome 6.3.0 #394
  • [UPDATE] quantity-input.php (WooCommerce 7.4.0) 15f84aa
  • [UPDATE] cart.php (WooCommerce 7.4.0) 6f3fa58
  • [BUGFIX] Extend compound selectors #395
  • [BUGFIX] Remove duplicated nav closing tag in the_breadcrumb() #398

Load version on Github

  • [UPDATE] quantity-input.php (WooCommerce 7.2) #331
  • [UPDATE] cart-shipping.php (WooCommerce 7.3) #354
  • [UPDATE] Password message for my-account-offcanvas.php #341
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Refactored ajax cart #329
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Clean-up single-*.php's and page-*.php's #332
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Prevent self-closing offcanvas if dropdown has nested dropdowns (modified nav-walker with 3 or more levels depth) #350
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Make use of admin bar height css var for offcanvas and modal #360
  • [BUGFIX] Add show-password to all pages in WC user offcanvas #344

Load version on Github

Load version on Github


  • [UPDATE] WooCommerce 7.0.1 templates 61510ab


  • [IMPROVEMENT] Fix nonstandard prefix for ::selection #294

Load version on Github


  • [IMPROVEMENT] scss compile, expanded for dev #279
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Bootstrap 5.2.2 breadcrumb component #274
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Feature package.json extra categories #276


  • [UPDATE] Bootstrap 5.2.2 #275

Load version on Github


  • [IMPROVEMENT] Same author meta function in single-*.php as in loop #251
  • [UPDATE] form-login.php (WooCommerce 6.9.0) #255
  • [BUGFIX] Readded empty IE alert function #258

Load version on Github


  • [IMPROVEMENT] Offcanvas cart-loader #199
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Load style.css after main.css #201
  • [BUGFIX] Coupon input in cart page #203
  • [BUGFIX] border-radius in checkout #payment card #214
  • [BUGFIX] Set checkout shipping table heading to top #236
  • [BUGFIX] Hide “View cart” in loop and product pages #237
  • [REMOVED] #nav-main nav-link last-child padding #233
  • [REMOVED] Pagination border hotfix 5628280
  • [REMOVED] bS Cookie Settings modal fallback #220


  • [IMPROVEMENT] Make comment button and pw protected form function pluggable #193
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Offcanvas cart-items to list-group-flush #194
  • [REMOVED] Empty IE alert function #197


  • [IMPROVEMENT] WC product offcanvas #205



  • [UPDATE] scssphp 1.11.0 #246
  • [UPDATE] Font Awesome 6.1.2 #196
  • [UPDATE] Bootstrap 5.2.1 #247

Load version on Github


  • [IMPROVEMENT] Add scss sourcemap support when theme is in dev_mode #98
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Set compiled output to css/main.css #99
  • [IMPROVEMENT] WooCommerce CSS to SCSS #82
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Clean-up bootscore styles scss #90
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Removed Paypal img and link in checkout 61ff0eb
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Extend select and alerts instead adding classes by JavaScript #89
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Make footer stick to bottom #145
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Admin bar #149
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Moved Font Awesome to own folder #167
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Font Awesome handling #168
  • [REMOVED] Empty _fontawesome.scss b5d2bf6
  • [REMOVED] Custom _offcanvas.scss #159
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed star-rating in related products 9e4779e
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed responsive tables and buttons in cart page #93
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed related products if no product tab (disabled reviews, no product description, no attributes) is used #121
  • [BUGFIX] Invoice button in orders #136


  • [IMPROVEMENT] Bootstrap to single-product tabs #87
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added -/+ Buttons to WC quantity input #91
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Register ajax cart to pluggable function #123
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Removed () from WC product count #138
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added page-blank.php #163
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Moved page/single templates to subfolders #163
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Responsive offcanvas sidebar #171
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Removed unused loop templates #176
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Add composer.json b546a16
  • [BUGFIX] WooCommerce sub categories in loop #84
  • [BUGFIX] input-group in checkout form-coupon.php f52963b
  • [BUGFIX] Pagination detect first page #148
  • [REMOVED] Optional telephone in checkout snippet. Can be made by WC customizer settings now 8e71711


  • [BUGFIX] Replaced Internet Explorer Alert PHP function by JavaScript 37
  • [BUGFIX] Removed self-closing offcanvas in navbar on resize #102
  • [REMOVED] Smooth-scroll script #114
  • [REMOVED] Dropdown slide effect script #115


  • [NEW] Português, thanks to Gustavo Silva #81
  • [NEW] 繁體中文, thanks to TershiXia #112
  • [NEW] ελληνική, thanks to Alexandros Kourmoulakis #161


  • [UPDATE] Bootstrap 5.2.0 da15257
  • [UPDATE] Font Awesome 6.1.1 free #120
  • [UPDATE] scssphp 1.10.3 #158

Load version on Github

  • [BUGFIX] Offcanvas backdrop in Chrome/Edge

Load version on Github


  • [IMPROVEMENT] Pushed style.css to scss files #33
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added _bscore_woocommerce.scss file to prepare merging css to scss #41
  • [IMPROVEMENT] @extend alert alert-info to comments .must-log-in and .no-comment
  • [BUGFIX] form-range in webkit browsers
  • [BUGFIX] Rating stars in product loop
  • [BUGFIX] Modal height and position if body has classes logged-in admin-bar
  • [REMOVED] @import "fontawesome"; in css/scss/bootstrap.min.scss


  • [IMPROVEMENT] Force scss compile when environment is development #39
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added hook bs_after_primary to page-blank-with-container.php and page-blank-without-container.php
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added btn-outline-primary to payment-methods.php #42
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added btn-outline-primary to payment.php #43
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added btn-outline-primary to thankyou.php #44
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added visually-hidden-focusable class to buttons in header.php and footer.php to fix accessibility issues #73
  • [BUGFIX] Added missing jquery on new install in enqueue script #34
  • [BUGFIX] Added redirect if offcanvas login failed #36
  • [BUGFIX] Added redirect to my-account after registration #68
  • [BUGFIX] Built a “filter” for terms.php #31
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed class typo in header-woocommerce.php #9


  • [NEW] Language: Español de Colombia, thanks to Osdeibi Acurero
  • [NEW] Language: Español de Venezuela, thanks to Osdeibi Acurero


  • [UPDATE] scssphp 1.10.0 #66

Load version on Github

  • [UPDATE] Bootstrap 5.1.3

Load version on Github

  • [REMOVED] jQuery in header.php
  • [NEW] Added missing wp_body_open hook
  • [SEO] Changed offcanvas header <h5> to <span class="h5"> for SEO reason
  • [UPDATE] Bootstrap 5.1.2
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Compile scss when Bootstrap has been updated

Load version on Github

  • [IMPROVEMENT] WooCommerce colors to variables
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Reformatted all files
  • [NEW] Translation: Türkçe (thanks to Murat Esgin)
  • [NEW] Added Bootstrap source and compiler to theme

Load version on Github
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Ajax product notice alerts (ajax-add-to-cart.php, thanks to Martin Holzer)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Close collapse if searchform loses focus
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Filter class card-img-top to product loop img (woocommerce-functions.php, woocommerce-style.css)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Changed all WooCommerce colors to variables
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Bootstrap form validation in WooCommerce checkout
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Removed custom-validation from checkout checkboxes and readded form-row (terms.php, woocommerce-js, woocommerce-style.css)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Refactored checkout (form-checkout.php, form-billing.php, form-shipping.php, Klarna checkout)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] pointer-events variation-add-to-cart-button.php (thanks to Martin Holzer)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Searchform focus (theme.js, thanks to Martin Holzer)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Readded and improved timestrap to scripts & styles (functions.php, woocommerce-functions.php, thanks to Martin Holzer)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] top-nav-search widget. Every widget can be shown there now theme.js, thanks to Martin Holzer)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] bootscore_pagination is a pluggable function now (functions.php, thanks to Martin Holzer)
  • [NEW] Renamed folder to bootscore-main (Github)
  • [NEW] Language: Pусский (thanks to Vladislav)
  • [UPDATE] Updated order-details-customer.php
  • [UPDATE] Updated terms.php (thanks to Emil Linden)
  • [UPDATE] Update Font Awesome Free 5.15.4
  • [UPDATE] Bootstrap 5.1.1

Load version on Github
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added d-lg-none to search collapse (header.php)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] “current_page_parent” and “current-post-ancestor” to nav_walker, thanks Justin Kruit justinkruit.com
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Dutch translation, thanks Justin Kruit justinkruit.com
  • [REMOVED] Timestrap from enqueue styles and scripts (CSS overrides needed !important rule, functions.php, woocommerce-functions.php)

Load version on Github
  • [REMOVED] Self-coded offcanvas navbar implementation (header.php, header-woocommerce.php, style.css, theme.js)
  • [UPDATE] Uses Bootstrap 5.1.0 offcanvas navbar implementation now
  • [UPDATE] Bootstrap 5.1.0

Load version on Github
  • [BUGFIX] Disable Gutenberg blocks in widgets and enable classic mode. Widgets like search won’t work (WordPress 5.8, functions.php).

Load version on Github
  • [NEW] README.md
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Changed remove from cart button btn × to trash icon (cart.php, mini-cart.php)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Fixed a.badge color by text-* class instead of CSS (style.css, template-tags.php)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Breadcrumb padding and font-size (functions.php, woocommerce-functions.php)
  • [BUGFIX] .form-select (shipping-calculator.php Thnx Martin Holzer risingbytes.at)
  • [BUGFIX] Keep offcanvas-user open on reload if contains login or register error alert (woocommerce.js)
  • [BUGFIX] Error alert if login is failed (my-account-offcanvas.php, thanks Sean VanderMolen https://techpad.biz)
  • [BUGFIX] Changed duplicate id’s in offcanvas user (my-account-offcanvas.php, thanks cemmos https://github.com/craftwerkberlin/bootscore-5/issues/8)
  • [BUGFIX] Add col-md-8 col-xxl-9 classes to post list in index.php (Thanks Tim Groeneveld, https://github.com/craftwerkberlin/bootscore-5/pull/7)
  • [CHANGED] Default Bootstrap offcanvas-header (header.php, header-woocommerce.php, mini-cart-php)
  • [CHANGED] GNU General Public License v2 to MIT License
  • [REMOVED] bootstrap.min.css.map and bootstrap.bundle.min.js.map

Load version on Github
  • [NEW] Language Čeština, thnx Petr Žaloudek webhned.eu
  • [BUGFIX] Height modal fullscreen if .logged-in.admin-bar (style.css)
  • [BUGFIX] Missing author and breadcrumb on single-full-width-image.php
  • [BUGFIX] The “next page” pagination work properly on the 1st page (functions.php, thnx Mike Collignon alox.co)
  • [BUGFIX] Searchform can be placed in any widget positions without showing search button in navbar
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Cleanup Scroll To Top Button (style.css, footer.php)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Search collapse button hide if empty removed by JS (theme.js, style.css)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Focus on collapsed show searchform input
  • [IMPROVEMENT] header.php and header-woocommerce.php are completely new, more simple. Search button uses collapse component now instead of dropdown. Old header can still be used.
  • [REMOVED] Data attribute data-bs-hideresize=”true”. Close menu offcanvas in navbar on resize direct (theme.js, header.php, header-woocommerce.php)
  • [REMOVED] index-woocommerce.php
  • [REMOVED] wp-block-button reset (style.css)
  • [REMOVED] Quote block (style.css)

Load version on Github
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Enqueue files with modification date to prevent browser from loading cached scripts and styles when file content changes. (Thnx Martin Holzer risingbytes.at)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added transition-delay to cart-loader to prevent flickering loading
  • [BUGFIX] Added mt-4 to #reply-title (comment-list.php)
  • [UPDATE] Language Deutsch (Du/Sie)
  • [UPDATE] Bootstrap 5.0.2

Load version on Github
  • [IMPROVEMENT] transition-delay on offcanvas-cart loader https://github.com/craftwerkberlin/bootscore-5/issues/6. Loader appears only if a product is added to the cart (woocommerce-style.css, woocommerce.js, ajax-add-to-cart.php. Thnx Martin Holzer risingbytes.at).
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Tags is a complete pluggable function now (template-tags.php)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Register comment-list.php is a pluggable function now. You can override file by register comment-list.php and place a copy in child.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Nav Walker and Menu register are a complete pluggable function now. You can create your own menus and use a different nav walker by override them in child-theme.

Load version on Github
  • [BUGFIX] Added w-100 class to offcanvas cart footer
  • [REMOVED] JavaScript workaround to set active class to nav-link (done by new nav-walker now)
  • [UPDATE] All languages
  • [UPDATE] Dropdown menu slide animation (theme.js)
  • [UPDATE] Replaced modified Bootstrap 4 Nav Walker with Bootstrap 5 Nav Walker https://github.com/AlexWebLab/bootstrap-5-wordpress-navbar-walker

Load version on Github

Load version on Github
  • [REMOVED] Language backup files
  • [NEW] Translation: Svenska (thnx Emil Lindén)
  • [BUGFIX] Two Factor Authentication support form-login.php. Does not work in offcanvas, must use my-account static page (Thnx cemmos, Github issue https://github.com/craftwerkberlin/bootscore-5/issues/5)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added .img-thumbnail.rounded-circle to avatar (comment-list.php, all author-*.php)

Load version on Github
  • [BUGFIX] Readded jQuery in header.php. Required if a 3rd party plugin loads jQuery in header instead in footer.

Load version on Github
  • [BUGFIX] Added missing close </div> tag in page-full-width-image.php and single-full-width-image.php (thnx Trishah Woolley)

Load version on Github
  • [BUGFIX] Typo in index.php (thnx Whitetower-lloyd, https://github.com/craftwerkberlin/bootscore-5/issues/4)
  • [UPDATE] Bootstrap 5.0.1

Load version on Github
  • [UPDATE] grouped.php (WooCommerce 5.3.0)

Load version on Github
  • [NEW] Added offcanvas-top to offcanvas navbar implementation (style.css)
  • [REMOVED] Removed WP jQuery from header.php
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Set offcanvas backdrop fade transition to .4s ease-in-out for smoother transition (style.css)

Load version on Github
  • [BUGFIX] Added missing spaces in dutch translations
  • [BUGFIX] Added [data-bs-popper] to search dropdown to override popper.js inline-style (Bootstrap 5 stable, dropdown could not be opened when using child-theme with bootstrap.min.css from parent theme, style.css)

Load version on Github
  • [NEW] .zi-n1 helper class to set negative z-index
  • [BUGFIX] text-decoration: none hover product card (woocommerce-style.css)
  • [REMOVED] Bugfix custom checkboxes, radios, range, and select on Mac/iOS Safari if custom Sass compiled bootstrap.min.css is used (style.css, fixed in compiler settings)
  • [REMOVED] Workaround icon in offcanvas toggler https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/33457 (Bugfix Bootstrap 5.0.0, theme.js, woocommerce.js)
  • [REMOVED] Backdrop if navbar has class .fixed-top. Uses Bootstrap offcanvas backdrop now (style.css, theme.js)
  • [REMOVED] Offcanvas header align-items-center (style.css, Bootstrap included)
  • [UPDATE] Bootstrap 5.0.0

Load version on Github
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Replaced col in all author-*.php with custom media-object component (author-*.php)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Replaced col in comments with custom media-object component (comments-list.php, style.css)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Changed alert-primary to alert-info (payment-methods.php)
  • [BUGFIX] Moved offcanvas backdrop from .navbar.fixed-top to fixed.top. Now it’s possible to wrap the navbar in a fixed-top div.
  • [SEO] Removed aria-labelledby=”” from offcanvas (thnx Mike Collignon)

Load version on Github
  • [REMOVED] backdrop-filter in image gallery caption (style.css)
  • [BUGFIX] Custom checkboxes, radios, range, and select on Mac/iOS Safari if custom Sass compiled bootstrap.min.css is used (style.css)
  • [BUGFIX] Footer menu class and id (twice, thnx Konstantinos Tzimas, footer.php)

Load version on Github
  • [UPDATE] mini-cart.php (WooCommerce 5.2.1)
  • [UPDATE] form-pay.php (WooCommerce 5.2.1)

Load version on Github
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Font size WooCommerce prices
  • [BUGFIX] Remove autop (WP 5.7 bug near shortcode, style.css) https://wordpress.org/support/topic/how-to-stop-wp-from-adding-p-tag-automatically/
  • [BUGFIX] Radios cart-shipping.php on devices below 768px
  • [BUGFIX] Offcanvas cart footer (iOS)
  • [UPDATE] Replaced all Offcanvas with Bootstrap component
  • [UPDATE] Bootstrap v5.0.0-beta3

Load version on Github
  • [NEW] Translation: Français (thnx Mike Collignon)
  • [BUGFIX] Offcanvas user login form will not close when filling out the form (woocommerce.js, thnx Mike Collignon)
  • [BUGFIX] Removed autop in theme.js again (Bug with CF7)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Custom radios to shipping (cart-shipping.php, woocommerce-style.css)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] New checkout page (form-checkout.php, form-billing.php, form-shipping.php, thnx Mike Collignon)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Close offcanvas cart and user dashboard on click <a> (woocommerce.js, not working MacOS Safari)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Using Semantic Versioning https://semver.org

Load version on Github
  • [BUGFIX] Missing line break tags in single-*.php
  • [NEW] Translation: Dutch, Dutch (Formal), (thnx Jan Revet)

Load version on Github
  • [NEW] Translation: Polski (thnx Marshall Reyher)

Load version on Github
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Changed theme description
  • [BUGFIX] <pre> in comments will not crash columns anymore (comment-list.php, style.css)

Load version on Github
  • [BUGFIX] Remove autop (WP 5.7, theme.js)
  • [NEW] Add hover effect to offcanvas-header (style.css)

Load version on Github
  • [NEW] Reusable .zi-10X0 classes for z-index

Load version on Github
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Removed position CSS on .dropdown-search.dropdown-menu, added Bootstrap classes start-0 and end-0 to display search in full browser-width (style.css, header.php).
  • [BUGFIX] Search dropdown on Android Chrome (theme.js)

Load version on Github
  • [NEW] Translation: Português do Brasil (thnx Junio Jose)
  • [BUGFIX] margin undefined Github issue https://github.com/craftwerkberlin/bootscore-5/issues/1 (thnx djcowan)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Reorder CSS load (thnx Daniel Munoz Rey)

Load version on Github
  • [BUGFIX] Remove active from all nav-link if page is search-result
  • [NEW] HTML Markups (Theme Unit Test Data)
  • [NEW] Translation: Italiano (thnx Domenico Carbone)
  • [BUGFIX] Add overflow-x: hidden to body to hide horizontal scrollbars on Windows Chrome and Firefox if width-100 class is used.
  • [TEST] jQuery 3.5.1 ready
  • [SEO] Merged all CSS in /woocommerce/css into one file woocommerce-style.css
  • [SEO] Links in comments opens in new tab with rel=”nofollow” attribute (pluggable function, functions.php)
  • [SEO] Add rel="preload" to Fontawesome (functions.php)
  • [SEO] Merged theme-header.js and theme.js to reduce file requests
  • [SEO] Moved all CSS from all.css to style.css to reduce file requests
  • [SEO] Load all JS in footer
  • [BUGFIX] Workaround to highlight menu links when active. (theme.js, WP Bootstrap Navwalker is still v4)
  • [NEW] Hook after #primary in WooCommerce files
  • [NEW] Time updated separator has an own class to hide simply via CSS if updated time is not needed, template-tags.php.
  • [NEW] Removed Preloader from theme and made a plugin of it

Load version on Github
  • [Update] Bootstrap 5.0.0-beta-2

Load version on Github
  • Initial release
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