
Documentation Plugin

bs Isotope

This plugin utilizes Metafizzy’s Isotope to filter posts or custom post types, perfect for creating portfolios, projects, or filtering content.


  1. Buy plugin
  2. Download bs-isotope-unzip1rst.zip and unzip file
  3. In your admin panel, go to Plugins > and click the Add New button.
  4. Click Upload Plugin and Choose File, then select the Plugin’s bs-isotope.zip file. Click Install Now.
  5. Click Activate to use your new Plugin right away.


Use shortcodes to display the grid. The shortcode has 4 parts plus additional options.

Selecting the grid

  • bs-isotope-equal-height – posts, isotope or any custom post type
  • bs-isotope-masonry – posts, isotope or any custom post type
  • bs-isotope-equal-height-overlay – posts, isotope or any custom post type
  • bs-isotope-masonry-overlay -posts, isotope or any custom post type
  • bs-isotope-search-list – posts, isotope or any custom post type
  • bs-isotope-product – WooCommerce products

Selecting the post type

  • type="" – post, isotope, product or any custom post type
[bs-isotope-equal-height type="post"]

Selecting the taxonomy

  • tax="" – category, post_tag, isotope_category, product_cat or any custom taxonomy
[bs-isotope-equal-height type="post" tax="category"]

Selecting the terms

Terms can be entered directly in the shortcode or by the ID of a parent term.

  • terms="" – terms-slug, multiple terms separated by comma
[bs-isotope-equal-height type="post" tax="category" terms="cats, dogs, birds"]

Instead of writing each term directly into the shortcode, the ID of a parent term can also be used if terms are wrapped in parent. For example following category structure:

  • Animals (ID)
    • Cats
    • Dogs
    • Birds
  • terms_parent="" – the ID of the parent term
[bs-isotope-equal-height type="post" tax="category" terms_parent="111"]

Both methods results in the same output:


Even though Isotope is designed to filter an unordered list, there is the option to sort items in the shortcode, similar to bs Swiper and bs Grid. Additionally, you can limit the number of displayed items:

  • orderby="" – date, title, or rand
  • order="" – ASC or DESC
  • posts="" – amount of posts to show
[bs-isotope-equal-height type="post" tax="category" terms="cats, dogs, birds" orderby="title" order="DESC" posts="20"]

Additional options for bs-isotope-equal-height, bs-isotope-masonry and bs-isotope-search-list:

  • excerpt="false" hide excerpt
  • tags="false" hide tags
  • categories="false" hide categories

Additional options for bs-isotope-equal-height-overlay and bs-isotope-masonry-overlay:

  • excerpt="false" hide excerpt
[bs-isotope-equal-height type="post" tax="category" terms="cats, dogs, birds" orderby="title" order="DESC" posts="20" excerpt="false" tags="false" categories="false"]


Equal height

All cards have the same height. The read more link line up at the bottom.

Posts filtered by tags

[bs-isotope-equal-height type="post" tax="post_tag" terms="Lorem, Ipsum, left-sidebar" orderby="title" order="ASC"]

Isotopes filtered by isotope_category

[bs-isotope-equal-height type="isotope" tax="isotope_category" terms_parent="111"]


Displays each card in a pinterest-style layout.

Isotopes filtered by isotope_category

[bs-isotope-masonry type="isotope" tax="isotope_category" terms="colorful, colorless"]


All cards have the same height with the featured image as background. Card content appears on hover.

Note that all featured images must have the same ratio, and custom excerpts should be as short as possible. Overlay templates use card image overlays, and long content will be displayed outside the image.

Isotopes filtered by isotope_category

[bs-isotope-equal-height-overlay type="isotope" tax="isotope_category" terms_parent="111"]

Blue Red

This Isotope is blue and red



This Isotope is yellow



This Isotope is red



This is a green Isotope

Masonry Overlay

Displays each card in a pinterest-style layout with the featured image as background. Card content appears on hover.

Isotopes filtered by isotope_category

[bs-isotope-masonry-overlay type="isotope" tax="isotope_category" terms="colorful, colorless"]


This Isotope is green


Light / Darker

This Isotope has a light/darker image



This Isotope has a light image



This Isotope has a darker image



This Isotope has a dark image


Blue Red

This Isotope is blue and red



This Isotope is yellow



This Isotope is red



This is a green Isotope

Search list

This template uses an additional search form that scans in real-time through the entire content of the cards. When “All” is selected in the buttons, it searches through all the cards. If a different filter button is clicked, only the results of that button are searched. This is well suited for creating large directories with filter buttons from A-Z and cards with more information. Advanced Custom Fields might a useful helper to create more complex cards with additional content.

Posts filtered by category

[bs-isotope-search-list type="post" tax="category" terms="equal height, masonry" orderby="title" order="ASC" posts="20"]

Type something into the search field. If the search term exists, it will be found. For example search for “jul” and click the filters. All items are filtered which have “July” in meta information.

Nothing found


WooCommerce products filtered by product_cat.

[bs-isotope-product type="product" tax="product_cat" terms="plugins, t-shirts" orderby="rand"]

WooCommerce products filtered by product_tag.

[bs-isotope-product type="product" tax="product_tag" terms="plugin, t-shirt, dark mode, button" orderby="rand"]


Pages cannot filtered this way, because they have nothing what Isotope can select and search for. A quick workaround is to add categories and tags to pages with a few lines of code in your functions.php:

function category_tags_page() {  
  // Add tag metabox to page
  register_taxonomy_for_object_type('post_tag', 'page'); 
  // Add category metabox to page
  register_taxonomy_for_object_type('category', 'page');  
add_action( 'init', 'category_tags_page' );

Now it’s possible to filter pages as well.

Pages by category

[bs-isotope-masonry type="page" tax="category" terms="cats, birds"]

Pages by tags

[bs-isotope-masonry type="page" tax="post_tag" terms="bananas, garlic"]


The plugin includes filters to edit grid columns and buttons without overriding templates in the child theme. These filters can be applied to all templates at once or to a single template file. Add filters to your child’s functions.php.


Columns in a single file:

 * Change isotope col classes in a single file
function isotope_col_class($string, $location) {
  if ($location == 'equal-height') {
    return "col-6 col-xl-2";
  return $string;
add_filter('bootscore/class/isotope/col', 'isotope_col_class', 10, 2);

Columns in all templates:

 * Change entire isotope templates col classes
function isotope_col_class() {
  return "col-6 col-xl-2";
add_filter('bootscore/class/isotope/col', 'isotope_col_class', 10, 2);


Button wrapper

Changing the text-center mb-4 class in a single file:

 * Change isotope filter wrapper classes in a single file
function isotope_filter_wrapper_class($string, $location) {
  if ($location == 'equal-height-overlay') {
    return "mb-5";
  return $string;
add_filter('bootscore/class/isotope/filter/wrapper', 'isotope_filter_wrapper_class', 10, 2);

Changing the text-center mb-4 class in all template files:

 * Change entire isotope filter wrapper classes
function isotope_filter_wrapper_class() {
  return "mb-5";
add_filter('bootscore/class/isotope/filter/wrapper', 'isotope_filter_wrapper_class', 10, 2);

Button group

The filter buttons are wrapped in a btn-group.

Depending on how many categories are filtered, the btn-group can be too big for small screens and it is better to use single buttons for smaller screens instead.

Remove btn-group class in a single template file:

 * Remove isotope filter btn-group in a single file
function isotope_filter_remove_btn_group($string, $location) {
  if ($location == 'equal-height-overlay') {
    return "";
  return $string;
add_filter('bootscore/class/isotope/filter/btn_group', 'isotope_filter_remove_btn_group', 10, 2);

Remove btn-group class in all template files:

 * Remove entire isotope filter btn-group
function isotope_filter_remove_btn_group() {
  return "";
add_filter('bootscore/class/isotope/filter/btn_group', 'isotope_filter_remove_btn_group', 10, 2);
“Responsive” btn-group

Bootstrap does not have a responsive version of the btn-group. jQuery can be used to add or remove the btn-group class based on screen size. The following jQuery code removes the btn-group class on screen sizes below iPad portrait mode. Code goes to child’s assets/js/custom.js:

  $(window).resize(function () {
    if (window.matchMedia("(max-width: 767px)").matches) {
    } else {

Button classes

Change btn class in a single template file:

 * Change isotope filter btn class in a single file
function isotope_filter_btn_class($string, $location) {
  if ($location == 'equal-height-overlay') {
    return "btn btn-sm btn-danger";
  return $string;
add_filter('bootscore/class/isotope/filter/btn', 'isotope_filter_btn_class', 10, 2);

Change btn class in all template files:

 * Change entire isotope filter btn class
function isotope_filter_btn_class() {
  return "btn btn-sm btn-danger";
add_filter('bootscore/class/isotope/filter/btn', 'isotope_filter_btn_class', 10, 2);

Overriding templates via theme

Template files can be found within the bs-isotope/templates/ plugin directory.

Edit files in an upgrade-safe way using overrides. Copy the template into a directory within your theme named bs-isotope keeping the same file structure but removing the templates subdirectory. Path must be your-theme/bs-isotope/[file].php.

The copied file will now override the bs Isotope template file. Change grid, classes or HTML as you want.

Templates that can be overridden:

  • sc-equal-height.php
  • sc-equal-height-overlay.php
  • sc-masonry.php
  • sc-masonry-overlay.php
  • sc-search-list.php
  • sc-product.php

Using the Isotope CPT

bs Isotope CPT is a Gutenberg-ready custom post type plugin, well suited to create a portfolio or something what differ from usual posts. But of course, plugin can be used as a blueprint to create your own CPT as well.

Since Isotope v6, the CPT is decoupled from the filter and an optional plugin. It has nothing to do with the filter anymore.


  1. Download bs-isotope-unzip1rst.zip and unzip file
  2. In your admin panel, go to Plugins > and click the Add New button.
  3. Click Upload Plugin and Choose File, then select the Plugin’s bs-isotope-cpt.zip file. Click Install Now.
  4. Click Activate to use your new Plugin right away.
  5. Go in Backend to Settings > Permalinks and click Save Changes

The new custom post type “Isotope” appears now in the backend below the posts. Use it like posts, create categories (isotope_category) and Isotope posts (isotope). Don’t forget to save the permalinks in Settings > Permalinks > Save Changes.

The Isotope CPT uses an own single.php and archive.php.


Change Isotope category badge

 * Change Isotope CPT badge class
function custom_isotope_category_badge_classes($classes, $term) {
  // Replace the existing classes with new ones
  $classes = 'badge text-bg-success rounded-0 text-decoration-none';
  return $classes;
add_filter('bootscore/class/badge/isotope', 'custom_isotope_category_badge_classes', 10, 2);

Change Isotope single slug

The url of the single item is yourdomain.com/isotope/item-name/. Copy following code into your functions.php:

// Change isotope single slug
function change_isotope_slug( $args, $post_type ) {
  if ( 'isotope' === $post_type ) {
    $args['rewrite']['slug'] = 'my-custom-slug';

  return $args;
add_filter( 'register_post_type_args', 'change_isotope_slug', 10, 2 );

Change my-custom-slug in line 5 into for example projects and save. Save the permalinks in Settings > Permalinks > Save Changes. The new single url is now yourdomain.com/projects/item-name/.


Currently bs Isotope v6.3.1

A detailed changelog can be found in the plugin’s readme.txt file. It can also be accessed in the WordPress backend by navigating to Plugins > bs Isotope > View details > Changelog tab.

60 Comments on “bs Isotope”

  • Arran Hearn

    Hi Bastian,

    Just getting an jQuery error trying to use isotope with the latest Bootscore

    Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
    at isotope-init.js?ver=5.7.2:4

    I’m trying to use isotope to display all posts with the overlay, all are in category ‘General’ (ID=4)
    [bs-isotope-equal-height-overlay type="isotope" tax="isotope_category" cat_parent="4"]
    As of now, nothing is showing up – Do I need to add anything to the Isotope CPT? Perhaps it the jQuery problem causing this?

    Cheers, love bootscore btw ; )

    • Basti

      Hi Arran,

      the isotope-init.js was removed in February. So that means you use an older version. Maybe there is a conflict with 3rd party plugin or something with your child.

      You wrote that you filter by a category id 4 which contains all posts? This won’t work because Isotope does not know what to filter. The parent category must have subcategories. Subcategories are then used for filtering and posts must be in subcategory, not in parent category.

      This are just ideas, but I cannot say something without checking your code.

      If that not fix the issue, please share a site link and admin details, so I will fix that. You can send details here: https://bootscore.me/support/

      Best regards


  • Arran Hearn

    Ah ha, I see. I was using the plugin from github (I guess the old version). No problem – solved the issue now, but thank you for your prompt response.


  • Dominik Cipriano

    Hi Basti,
    i have a problem with the plugin.

    I get the following error message in a bootstore child theme and also main theme:

    [bs-isotope-masonry type="post" tax="category" cat_parent="4"]

    Trying to get property ‘ID’ of non-object in
    on line

    The plugin as well as the installation is out of the box on an apache environment with php 8.0. The error is also displayed with php 7.4.

    Is there a solution for this?

    Thanks for your help

    Best regards

    • Basti

      Hi Dominik,

      I need access to your site to check. For purchased plugin you get direct support. Please fill admin and ftp data here https://bootscore.me/support/

      Best regards


    • Eirik Høyme Rogn

      Did you resolve this issue? I have encountered the same problem.

      • Basti

        Hi Erik,

        you have a message in your inbox. Please check your spam folder as well.

    • Nam Nguyen Ba Hoang

      Hi Basti,
      I also have the same problem, despite of it, plugin work fine

  • Vladislav Khusainov

    I still don’t understand how to use “category”, “isotope_category”. How do I add entries to “isotope_category”? When writing to a blog, I can only add new entries to the “category”

    • Basti

      Hi Vladislav,

      for example if yo want to filter posts:

      Create a parent category and some child categories and assign posts to child categories.

      Animals (parent category)
      – Birds (child category)
      — Bird 1 (post)
      — Bird 2 (post)
      – Fishes (child category)
      — Fish 1 (post)
      — Fish 2 (post)

      Now check the id of parent category (Animals) and paste it in shortcode.

      [bs-isotope-equal-height type="post" tax="category" cat_parent="ID-OF-CATEGORY-ANIMALS"]

      Posts are now filtered by Birds and Fishes.

      Using custom post types:

      If you want to use custom post types, there is a taxonomy instead of category. For example Isotope uses “isotope_category” instead of “category”.

      Create in backend in isotope category (isotope_category) structure like above:

      Food (parent isotope_category)
      – Breads (child isotope_category)
      — Bread 1 (isotope post)
      — Bread 2 (isotope post)
      – Cakes (child isotope_category)
      — Cake 1 (isotope post)
      — Cake 2 (isotope post)

      Now change the type to isotope check the id of parent isotope_category (Food) and paste it in shortcode.

      [bs-isotope-equal-height type="isotope" tax="isotope_category" cat_parent="ID-OF-ISOTOPE-CATEGORY-FOOD"]

      Isotopes are now filtered by Breads and Cakes.

      You can send me backend access to your site https://bootscore.me/support/. I will help you to create some sample conrent.

      Does that help?


  • Massimo Matteazzi


    if I create a parent category then my categories are going to change.
    for example if before I wasn’t using parent categories, and I have:
    – cars
    – bikes
    – boats
    with permalinks:

    If now I want to use the plugin and create an isotope menu with all|cars|bikes|boats I need to create a new parent category called for example “vehicles”. But in order to make it work the permalinks now become:

    how can I avoid that?


    • Basti

      Hi Massimo,

      do you use Posts or Isotopes? Think doing exactly this is not possible without a hack or plugin.

      But you can do some settings in Backend > Settings > Permalinks to hide category complete if that helps.

      For paid products you get email support here https://bootscore.me/support/. You can send admin details and we can check.


  • Pavel Lazarev

    Awesome plugin, but how can I sort products not by IDs? Maybe, sort by name or manually with woocommerce tool.
    Thank you!

    • Basti

      Hi Pavel,

      unfortunately it’s not possible to sort them by names. Items must be placed in subcategories and plugin uses the subcategories for filtering by id of the parent category.

      Hope that helps

  • Alvar Card

    Great plugin… I have two questions
    How to exclude a post from the grid?
    how to hide the “all” button when in some cases all are shown without categories?
    Thank you!

    • Basti

      Hi Alvar,

      “How to exclude a post from the grid?”

      A shortcode is to include something and not to exclude. You can’t exclude items via shortcode but you can do a workaround. Items get classes by category/taxonomy slug. This mean you can create a top level category and hide them by setting category/taxonomy class to display: none in the grid. For example create a category hide-this-category and add items you want to hide to this. Then use CSS. Example uses equal-height template.

      /* Exclude items */
      #equal-height .hide-this-category {
        display: none;

      “how to hide the “all” button when in some cases all are shown without categories?”

      You can remove “All” button simply in template file. But you can do this simply with CSS as well. Example uses equal-height template.

      /* Hide All button */
      #filters-equal-height .btn:first-child {
        display: none;
      /* Set border-radius to 2nd button */
      #filters-equal-height .btn:nth-child(2) {
        border-top-left-radius: 0.25rem;
        border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem;

      Depends on which template you use, change # selector to your template.

      Does this help?

  • Brian King

    Like BootScore, bS Isotope totally rocks! Top of my wishlist is PAGINATION. I’d love to see it for bs-isotope-product and offer Next Page, Page Numbers, Load more.. alternatives. Go BootScore!

    • Basti

      Thank you!

      Pagination is not possible, because Isotope is not a “category” template, it’s a shortcode that shows content inside a page.

      Adding a kind of “Load more…” means that bS Isotope needs another library https://github.com/metafizzy/infinite-scroll. Infinite scroll is made by the same developer as Isotope, so both libraries should work fine together.

      We will do not add this to plugin, this will go beyond the scope. But we can help add this to your child-theme if you want.

  • Brian King

    My apologies Basti, I should have explained “why” I wanted it.. we have categories that have over 500 products, meaning the pages (with bS Isotope), take forever to load. If Infinite scroll is a way around it, then yes, it would be a great solution.

    • Basti

      Do you have a link to your Isotope?

  • Andy Miller

    Hello –
    Does bS Isotope support isotopes combination filters?

    • Basti

      What do you mean exactly? Mixing post types? No, that’s not possible.

      • Andy Miller

        Thanks for your reply, apologies for the vague question.

        I’m basically looking for multiple filter criteria, probably through multiple filters. Like shown here:


        the combination filter towards the bottom of this page.

        • Basti

          Of course, this is simply possible by adding more than one categories/taxonomies to the items.

          Check the https://bootscore.me/documentation/plugin/bs-isotope/#Equal_height example.

          Click the Blue and the Red button. The Blue Red item is in the categories Blue and Red. So when you click the Red Button, the Blue one is shown too, because it is in Red category as well.

          Does this help?

          • Andy Miller

            Yes thank you, that helps. Is it possible to have for example 2 filters, say one of them is colors and one is numbers and filter based on both, such as Blue 1 or Green 2?

            • Basti

              Do you mean two filter bars? Unfortunately not.

              But you can create as many categories/taxonomies as you want. For Example Blue 1, Blue 2, Blue 3, Green 1, Green 2… Then assign simply the items to the categories.

  • Alexandru Ursachi

    How to make a restriction on the output of records, the load more button?

  • Arkadiusz Kwiatkowski

    Any idea why i get errors like:
    : Undefined variable $post in

    : Attempt to read property “ID” on null in

    and url to plugins/bs-isotope-main/templates/sc-masonry-overlay.php on line 89

    Didnt change anything in source code.

    Best Regards!

    • Basti

      Hello Arkadiusz,

      this is hard to say without having a link to your project. At first glance it looks that you have enabled debug mode in wp-config.php:

      define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );

      If so, please disable it setting to false:

      define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );

      The line 89 (your comment) is used to add the category/taxonomy as a class to the item which can be filtered by this class and is in every template file the same. So, nothing special here.

      You can use the support form send link and admin data to here, then we can check what’s happen on your site.


      • Arkadiusz Kwiatkowski

        Sorry, though that i’ve pasted url 🙂 So it’s twor.ohsofresh.pl/realizacje/

        I’ve checked and debug mode was disabled, so that’s not it.

        My code for isotope is:

        One thing i’ve disabled is button, but used CSS for it.

        Best regards!

        • Basti

          Hello Arkadiusz,

          I see… This can have several reasons, maybe your PHP version. You can create an admin account and (if possible) FTP access and send both to store(at)bootscore.me. I will check and fix it directly on your site. Should not be a big deal.


          • Arkadiusz Kwiatkowski


            I’ve send you an email 🙂 Thanks for help!


            • Basti

              Fixed! You have a mail in your box.

  • Nicolas Raineson

    Hi Basti !

    I have the same issue with line 88 of sc-masonry.php.
    Here is tue url :
    I hide the php comment with CSS, but I have this :
    : Undefined variable $post in
    on line

    While I put the category ID correctly.
    Can You help me ?
    Merci beaucoup !

    • Basti

      Hi Nicolas,

      firstly, this isn’t an error, it’s just a notice. I figured out that in this case it is a server setting in Hosters backend that sets reports to “true”. You can switch this off in Hosters settings or simply add this line


      to your wp-config.php.

      If you do need help for this, just send me FTP data here and I will fix that soon directly on your server.


      Best regards


      • Nicolas Raineson

        Perfectly solved, yes ! Thank you.

        And I have another question. When I display posts or products in masonry via isotope, is there an easy way to display X products only ? I can hide X + n with css or some jQuery deleting, but it is not very clean. Is there an easy way to do this in a server way, through php (which I suck at it ^^) ???
        THank you

        • Basti

          Unfortunately not yet. That‘s because what you want to show is selected by shortcode and a shortcode is for selecting something and not to deselect. Isotope is build for filtering large content selected by categories. If you want to have more control about that and want select items by id or whatever, have a look to the bS Grid plugin. Of course, this plugin has no filter.

          Does this help?

          • Nicolas Raineson

            Hi !
            Thanx for your answer. Helping, but not solving the situation 🙂
            i will manage otherwise.

  • Dave Tasker

    Hi Bast, a great plugin, thank-you!

    In the Pages use-case, would it be possible to incorporate the $post_parent option into the short code please? It would be very useful IMHO to be able to restrict the pages listed to a subset of a given parent page.

    Many thanks for your consideration.

  • Dave Tasker

    Silly me, I can use a template override page to amend the query – apologies! Not enough coffee (mutter, mutter)

    • Basti

      Hi Dave,

      you’re welcome. If you have a working snippet to catch child-pages, we can add it to the templates.

  • Mike Abbott

    Hi all,

    Sorry if I’m missing something, but is there a way of using the shortcode in the archive.php template file so that it can display only the custom post types that are in that category?

    • Basti

      Hi Mike,

      I do not understand what you exactly mean. Are we talking about the CPT archive? Click the category badge “Colorful” in the first example on top on this page and the archive only displays items from this category https://bootscore.me/categories/colorful/.

      Because this displays only one category, there is nothing to filter?

      • Mike Abbott

        Apologies, but I realised I didn’t include enough information in my first post, my situation is as follows:

        I have a custom post type of ‘guideline’, each guideline is added to a custom taxonomy of ‘guideline-section’ and then within each guideline, the client can choose other taxonomies of ‘guideline-category’ and ‘guideline-area’.

        For each archive page of ‘guideline-section’, is it possible to include the shortcode in the archive page template so that when the user lands on the relevant ‘guideline-section’ archive page, they are presented with the filter of ‘guideline-category’ only for that ‘guideline-section’?

        Or would I have to create a new archive.php for each ‘guideline-section’ to only include the relevant taxonomies used for that category?

        • Basti

          “Or would I have to create a new archive.php for each ‘guideline-section’ to only include the relevant taxonomies used for that category?”

          I think this is the correct way. You can echo the shortcode in the archive.php, but you need different archives.

          But to be honest, I do not exactly understand the case yet. A link to your site will be very helpful to understand what do you want to do in detail. If you do not want to share public, please send link to store(at)bootscore.me.

  • Zoltán Papp


    can you help me? Do I want to change the look of the card? How can I do that?
    Another question, can I make multiple line headers? The category name are too long.

    Thank you.

    • Basti

      Hi Zoltán,

      of course, you can do everything. First you should override the template which you use in your child as described here. Then you can edit the HTML as you like.

      If you want to change the look of all cards, you may should have a look to Bootstrap variables.

      “Another question, can I make multiple line headers? The category name are too long”

      What do you mean? The sentence or a long word?

      • Zoltán Papp

        Hi, thank you for answer.
        You can see what the head looks like here: ool.hu/teszt/
        I can’t attach a screenshot
        Since the category is too long, it doesn’t fit in one row, so I want more sorors heads.

          • Zoltán Papp

            Thank you for your help.

            • Basti


              • Zoltán Papp

                Yes, thank you.

  • Nicolas Raineson

    Hi !

    I changed my functiuns.php on the child theme with “cas-client” instead of “isotope” slug and then I reload permalinks… and nothing change :/ I still avec url/isotope/name… What mus t I do else to get url/cas-client/name ?
    FYI, I use bootscore = – July 22 2022 = becasue the php version of the host does not allow php 7.4.
    Thx !

    • Basti


      did you changed the slug as described here https://bootscore.me/documentation/plugin/bs-isotope/#Change_Isotope_single_slug?

      Quickly tested it and works fine https://dev.bootscore.me/cas-client/boat-1/. Do you have a caching plugin active which caches PHP as well? If so, please purge cache.

      “FYI, I use bootscore = – July 22 2022 = becasue the php version of the host does not allow php 7.4.”

      7.4 is the minimum require of WordPress as well. Which PHP version runs on your server? Please update bootScore to latest 5.3.3 because 5.2 is very outdated. Don’t care about the PHP requirements, it should work with PHP 5.x as well.

      And last but not least, which bS Isotope version are you using?

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