
Documentation Plugin

bs TOC

Structure your content with a Table of Contents (TOC) that automatically adds anchor links, allowing smooth scrolling to the content headings.

How it works

The bs TOC plugin adds a Table of Contents as unstyled nested uls, wrapped in a card to the page content via shortcode. It automatically links to all h2 to h6 headings, with options to control the depth and remove unwanted headings. Filters are available to enable responsive options and allow the TOC to be fully customized.


  1. Buy plugin
  2. In your admin panel, go to Plugins > and click the Add New button.
  3. Click Upload Plugin and Choose File, then select the Plugin’s .zip file. Click Install Now.
  4. Click Activate to use your new Plugin right away.


Basic shortcode to display the TOC in content, linking all h2 to h6 headings.



Use depth="" in the shortcode to control the depth of linked headings in the TOC.

[bs-toc depth="2"]
  • depth="1" – Only h2 headings
  • depth="2"h2 and h3 headings
  • depth="3"h2 to h4 headings
  • depth="4"h2 to h5 headings
  • depth="5"h2 to h6 headings, same as basic [bs-toc] shortcode.

While links to h1 and headings from external content are always hidden in the TOC, you have the option to selectively hide unwanted links by using a class.

Heading h1

The h1 is not shown in the TOC because it represents the site title and should only be used once at the top of the page for SEO reason.

External content

Links to headings that are not part of the content are always hidden in the TOC.

By class

Remove unwanted links to the headings in the TOC by adding the class bs-toc-hide to a single heading or by grouping multiple headings in a div with the class bs-toc-hide.

Hidden h4

This heading link is hidden in the TOC, because it has class bs-toc-hide.

Hidden h2

Some text…

Hidden h3

Some text…

Hidden h4

Hidden h5
Hidden h6

Multiple unwanted headings can be grouped in a div with the class bs-toc-hide.

Headings with special characters

The TOC functions well with all languages and supports special characters.

Heading with HTML



العنوان باللغة العربية

Заголовок українською мовою

Duplicate headings

If headings have the same names, an unique ID is added to each item to link correctly to the anchor in the TOC.

Duplicate heading

Duplicate heading


Modify the scroll offset or add counters in the child theme’s /assets/scss/_bootscore-custom.scss file.


Use CSS scroll-margin to adjust the scrolling offset to headings.

// Headings scroll-margin
.entry-content:has(.toc-wrapper) {

  h6 {
    scroll-margin-top: 70px;

Numbered items

Use CSS counters to get numbered TOC items.

// Numbered TOC items
.toc-list-wrapper ul {
  counter-reset: item;

  li a:before {
    counter-increment: item;
    content: counter(item)". ";

  ul li a:before {
    content: counters(item, ".") " ";


Each element has a filter, allowing the TOC to be fully customized. Modify classes, texts, and icon, or make the TOC responsive by adding small functions to the child theme’s functions.php file.

Responsive option

Make the TOC responsive using the built-in navbar-expand-{breakpoint} collapse plugin. The default breakpoint is lg.

Shrink browser window to <lg size.

Enable responsive TOC

 * Enable responsive TOC
add_filter('bootscore/bs-toc/responsive', '__return_true');

Change breakpoint

 * Change TOC responsive breakpoint class
function toc_breakpoint_class() {
  return "xl";
add_filter('bootscore/bs-toc/class/breakpoint', 'toc_breakpoint_class', 10, 2);

Button class

 * Change TOC responsive button class
function toc_button_class() {
  return "btn btn-lg btn-danger mb-3 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between w-100";
add_filter('bootscore/bs-toc/class/button', 'toc_button_class', 10, 2);

Button text

 * Change TOC responsive button text
function toc_button_text() {
  return "My TOC text";
add_filter('bootscore/bs-toc/button/text', 'toc_button_text', 10, 2);

Button icon

 * Change TOC responsive button icon
function toc_button_icon() {
  return '<i class="fa-solid fa-list"></i>';
add_filter('bootscore/icon/bars-staggered', 'toc_button_icon', 10, 2);


Modify each class to fully customize the appearance of the TOC.

Title text

 * Change TOC title text
function toc_title_text() {
  return "Site content";
add_filter('bootscore/bs-toc/title', 'toc_title_text', 10, 2);

Wrapper class

 * Change TOC card wrapper class
function toc_wrapper_class() {
  return "card w-100 mb-4";
add_filter('bootscore/bs-toc/class/wrapper', 'toc_wrapper_class', 10, 2);

Header class

 * Change TOC header class
function toc_header_class() {
  return "card-header";
add_filter('bootscore/bs-toc/class/header', 'toc_header_class', 10, 2);

Title class

 * Change TOC title class
function toc_title_class() {
  return "h6 mb-0";
add_filter('bootscore/bs-toc/class/header/title', 'toc_title_class', 10, 2);

List wrapper class

 * Change TOC list wrapper class
function toc_list_wrapper_class() {
  return "card-body";
add_filter('bootscore/bs-toc/class/list/wrapper', 'toc_list_wrapper_class', 10, 2);

List class

 * Change TOC list class
function toc_list_class() {
  return "list-unstyled mb-0";
add_filter('bootscore/bs-toc/class/list', 'toc_list_class', 10, 2);

Nested list class

 * Change TOC nested list class
function toc_list_nested_class() {
  return "list-unstyled ms-2";
add_filter('bootscore/bs-toc/class/list/nested', 'toc_list_nested_class', 10, 2);

List item class

 * Change TOC list item class
function toc_list_item_class() {
  return "my-class";
add_filter('bootscore/bs-toc/class/list/item', 'toc_list_item_class', 10, 2);
 * Change TOC list item link class
function toc_list_item_link_class() {
  return "text-decoration-none link-secondary";
add_filter('bootscore/bs-toc/class/list/item/link', 'toc_list_item_link_class', 10, 2);


Currently bs TOC v1.0.2

A detailed changelog can be found in the plugin’s readme.txt file. It can also be accessed in the WordPress backend by navigating to Plugins > bs TOC > View details > Changelog tab.

4 Comments on “bs TOC”

  • Bernd Dietrich

    The links in TOC doesn’t work, if I use TOC in sources with existing HTML Anchors. It would work, if you use the existing Anchors in TOC.
    Thanks Bernd

    • Basti

      I have sent you an updated bs-toc.zip to your email address that links existing ID’s in the TOC. Let me know if this works fine in your case, then we can include it in the next release. Please also check your spam folder.

      • Bernd Dietrich

        Hi Basti, just I have it tested. Now It works really fine. Many thanks for the quick reaction. Bernd

        • Basti

          v1.0.2 has just been released and fixes that. Thank you for pointing this out.

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