Explore versatile templates: page/post templates, header, footer, archive and more, tailored for seamless theme customization.
Theme templates
Page/post templates can be selected in the edit screen. Below is a list of all included template files and their functions:
- bootscore
- 404.php
Page not found. File includes a widget position to add additional content. - archive.php
Lists category, archive, and author posts. Additional loop templates are available forcategory-*.php
, andauthor-*.php
. - comments.php
Comments section. - footer.php
The footer includes six widget positions, an additional menu, and a copyright with the current year and site title. - header.php
- Includes links to the
file(s), which can be replaced in the (child) theme’s/assets/img/logo/
folder. - Contains the main menu, four widget positions, and the
. The breakpoint for the navbar is set tolg
- Includes links to the
- page.php
Default page template. If sidebar widgets are active, sidebar is shown on the right. - search.php
Wrapper for search results. - searchform.php
Classic searchform widget. - sidebar.php
Shows the sidebar if widgets in the sidebar are active. The sidebar is displayed as an offcanvas below<lg
breakpoint with a toggler button. - single.php
Default single template. If sidebar widgets are active, sidebar is shown on the right. - theme.json
Registers compiled Bootstrap colors in the Gutenberg editor. - woocommerce.php
Displays shop pages such as archives, single products, and shop search results. - page-templates
- page-blank.php
Content lacksh1
and spacings. This template is well-suited for creating landing pages using plain HTML. - page-blank-container.php
Similar topage-blank.php
, but content is wrapped in a container. Suitable for use with additional Width & Height classes. - page-full-width-image.php
The template displays the featured image as a background image. If no image is available, the background appears dark. If the sidebar is active, it’s displayed on the right. - page-sidebar-left.php
Similar topage.php
, but If sidebar widgets are active, sidebar is shown on the left. - page-sidebar-none.php
Similar topage.php
, but has no sidebar.
- page-blank.php
- single-templates
- single-full-width-image.php
The template displays the featured image as a background image. If no image is available, the background appears dark. If the sidebar is active, it’s displayed on the right. - single-sidebar-left.php
Similar tosingle.php
, but If sidebar widgets are active, sidebar is shown on the left. - single-sidebar-none.php
Similar tosingle.php
, but has no sidebar.
- single-full-width-image.php
- template-parts
- footer
- footer-menu.php
for the footer menu
- footer-menu.php
- header
- actions.php
Header buttons - actions-woocommerce.php
Header buttons if WooCommerce is installed - collapse-search.php
Search form collapse - collapse-search-woocommerce.php
Search form collapse if WooCommerce is installed - main-menu.php
for the header menu - offcanvas-woocommerce.php
Cart and account offcanvas if WooCommerce is installed
- actions.php
- search
- content-none.php
If search term does not exists. - content-search.php
List the search results.
- content-none.php
- footer
- 404.php
Overriding templates in child
Templates can be overridden in child themes following the main theme’s folder structure or used to create new ones. The WordPress Template Hierarchy clarifies template determination.
bs Loop templates
- Download bs Loop templates and unzip
- Copy the template files to the root folder of the (child) theme and rename them according to the WordPress Template Hierarchy.
There are 5 templates for each category, archive, and author. These templates are the same for all of them; they only differ in what is in the header:
- The category templates remove the usual ‘Category:’ prefix before the category name in the heading.
- The author templates display the Gravatar profile picture.
- The archive templates show the typical archive format with headings such as ‘Month: March 2020’.”
HTML can be used in the category description and the author’s bio.
- *.php
These are the default templates. The posts are displayed in horizontal cards that flip to vertical cards on screens with a width of<=md
. If a sidebar is active, it will be shown on the right. If no sidebar is active, the posts are displayed across the entire width of the container. - *-sidebar-left.php
Similar to default, but the sidebar is on the left. - *-equal-height-sidebar-right.php
The posts are displayed in vertical cards arranged in a grid, with the sidebar positioned on the right. If no sidebar is active, the posts expand to fill the entire width of the container. All cards maintain consistent height, regardless of whether there is a featured image or the length of the excerpt or heading. The ‘Read more’ button is aligned at the bottom of each card. The height of all cards is determined by the one with the most content. - *-equal-height.php
Similar to*-equal-height-sidebar-right.php
, but without sidebar. The cards are displayed in a 3 (xl
), 2 (lg
), 1 (md
) grid. - *-masonry.php
This displays the posts in a Pinterest-style layout, where each card adjusts its height based on the content it contains. No sidebar is shown.
requires the bs Masonry plugin which is included in the bs-loop-templates-UnzipFirst.zip file. It replaces the card-columns
from Bootstrap 4, which are no longer included in Bootstrap 5.
varun sharma
Please tell me how to customize shop page and product page template in your theme and also tell me if i want to change any page template how to do?
Hi Varun,
this are 2 different things.
As described in the article above, page and post templates can be selected in backend in Quick edit https://prnt.sc/10x3ck1 or post/page edit screen https://prnt.sc/10x3d6k. To create a custom store frontpage, create a page and choose “Blank with container” or “Blank without container”, so you have a blank site. Fill site with content and use WooCommerce shortcodes https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-shortcodes/ to display products or use Gutenberg blocks https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-blocks/. You can also use https://bootscore.me/plugins/bs-swiper/ and/or https://bootscore.me/plugins/bs-isotope/ to display products. Then go in Backend Settings > Reading > choose A static page > Homepage: select your page. https://prnt.sc/10x3jkp Now your page is the frontpage.
Customizing the product page is different. Please read here https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/template-structure/ how that works exactly. If you want to edit product page template, go in your WordPress installation open the folder wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/single-product/. There are all files which are needed for the single product page. For example you want to edit price.php. Copy that file and create in your child-theme folder woocommerce/single-product/ and paste file there. Now edit this file in your child-theme.
Hope that helps
varun sharma
But I may not change the template from the quick edit. And I do not want a sidebar in any page in your bootcommerce theme , just want a left in the shop page, so how do I do this?
WooCommerce uses the default page.php for shop pages.
1. Copy page-sidebar-left.php and paste it in child-theme
2. Rename it to page.php
Now all pages should have the sidebar on the left by default, also the shop page.
3. Go in Backend > Pages and select for all pages where you do not want to show a sidebar the page template “No Sidebar” in Quick Edit screen https://prnt.sc/10z62oi
You can also use a plugin to hide or show sidebar widgets on specific pages https://wordpress.org/plugins/widget-context/
varun sharma
how to add template for blog and single blog in bootcommerce theme
As described above, you can select single in backend. How to use category templates is written here https://bootscore.me/documentation/templates/#bs_Loop_templates
Please describe in more detail what you exactly mean.
varun sharma
also iam not able to overridden the mini cart file of cart please help
Path to mini-cart.php in child must be exactly the same like in parent theme your-theme/woocommerce/cart/mini-cart.php
varun sharma
please help im unable to make any change in mini-cart.php file please tell me what i do now and please tell me how to add increment decrement quantity button in mini cart
Hello Varun,
yes, I will help. But it is not possible to help without having a link to your project. It’s very confusing because you need help with 10 things at one time. Please post a link to your project and I will help step-by-step.
varun sharma
Hii Iam not able to change my page template with no sidebar and my shop template to left sidebar please help me how to do in bootcommerce theme and also i want blog templates single blog and blog both how i add these templates in my bootcommerce theme please help me
This are all different things. To avoid confusion let’s break it down to one and solve that, the page and shop template. Please share a site link to your shop page where you want to have the sidebar on the left and a link to a page where you want to have no sidebar.
This may be a simple question, but how does one make use of the bootstrap components on pages and posts in a clean way that doesn’t conflict with the built-in wordpress editors and the block editor. For example, how did you design the Bootscore homepage? Does it use the block editor at all? Is it a “Custom HTML block”? Do you ever use the block editor for anything? There seems to be a lot of redundancy between Bootstrap and WordPress blocks, for example the column layouts.
Sorry, I’m very familiar with HTML,CSS, JS, as well as Bootstrap, but my WordPress knowledge is where I lack expertise. The relationship between the theme’s Bootstrap components and WordPress’s Block components have me confused (ie buttons, columns, etc).
Hello David,
Gutenberg Blocks are not using Bootstrap classes. Adding Bootstrap there will open Pandora’s box, because WordPress develop this blocks very fast. There are plugins available for that, for example this https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-bootstrap-blocks/ . Maybe in future I will add it to blocks too.
However, I always and only use the Custom HTML block with this https://bootscore.me/theme/page-blank-without-container/ page template and simple use Bootstrap classes in HTML to create landing pages.
Here on the frontpage, each section has an own HTML block. The height class https://bootscore.me/documentation/width-height-classes/ and plugin
bootscore.me/plugins/bs-animate-on-scrollis used to design and animate content. Plugin post slider is insert via shortcode in HTML.If I want to use another block, for example a gallery, then I wrap the block in HTML blocks. For example:
HTML Block (open div)
Gallery Block
HTML Block (close div)
So, using HTML instead of predefined blocks give you the completey freedom to design whatever you want.
Hope that helps.
Ok, that makes a lot of sense! Thank you for clarifying. You’ve created a really impressive theme here – thank you for your efforts!
For what it’s worth, I do think extending Bootscore to bring bootstrap components to Gutenberg blocks would add a lot of value and eliminate duplicated features and css in the two frameworks. I think it would empower content writers, who may not feel comfortable jumping into the HTML blocks, to design and edit pages when working with themes built on top of Bootscore. I agree, it does seem like a big undertaking though. In a way, you’ve already started with the Responsive Video and Gallery Lightbox plugins you created! 🙂
Thank you.
You’re right, Gutenberg should be supported. But this is definitely a bigger thing and has to be well thought out for it to be good. I will keep it in mind. Maybe it’s better to make a plugin out of it instead of integrating it into the theme. We will see.
Arie Olivier
Hi Basti. I’m enjoying your theme. Great work! I have duplicated the page-full-width-image.php in my child theme and made some changes, but my template does not override the parent template. I know I can simply rename my template, but I don’t more templates. How can I make the child template override the parent one? Thanks
Hello Arie,
thank you very much. What do you want to do?
Using your modified as default template in child? Just rename it to page.php.
If you have stored as page-full-width-image.php in child you can select template in backend, it should override parent template.
Does that help?
If not, you can send me admin details through the contact form in the footer.
Arie Olivier
I have stored my page-full-width-image.php in my child theme and selected the template in backend, it doesn’t override the parent template. I don’t have an online version yet, only local. Does it perhaps have something to do with how the parent theme includes the template files?
Hmm, usually that works fine. Please rename it in page.php, just for testing. But of course I cannot say or fix something on your local computer.
You can try to rename the template name in files header. If this new name is not visible in the backend then the path to file is wrong. Is your page-full-width-image.php stored in child themes root folder?
Arie Olivier
Basti sorry. I was working on a post (not a page), and assumed page-full-width-image.php was used for posts and pages… Editing single-full-width-image.php in my child theme worked. Sorry to waste your time.
marshall reyher
Hi Basti, I have set the reading WP settings to make my blog the page to display posts, and published a test post. I am using the default template in the bootcommerce child theme. No matter what I do, I can’t get the post excerpt to show up on the blog page. Do you have any ideas what could be happening?
Hi Marshall,
I need a link to your site to check that.
Arun Kumar
How Show Two-column Grid posts and sidebar with a page builder like Divi and elementor?
please help
Hi Arun,
bootScore is a code project. You can show two column grid by changing
classes in .php files. I don’t know if that is possible with a page-builder, please ask manufacturer for that. Theme does not support editing categories by Divi or Elementor.ramis can
Hello. Thank you for bootscore. Page or post templates are not visible. (Page Attributes > Template or Post Attributes > Template.) I deleted and reinstalled, same result. The template is not visible. I am using the latest version 5.8wp. note: clean install. Regards.
Hello ramis,
please send admin details here
bootscore.me/contact/to check.ramis can
Hello. I downloaded the file from github. I downloaded from this site, the problem was fixed, thank you.
👍 BTW, GitHub file and here on the site here is exactly the same. So, I cannot explain what’s happen on your site.
Abigail Shedden
Hi Basti
Great theme and plugins, thank you for sharing!
Quick question, I’m new to WordPress so apologies if this is an obvious question, I’m used to working with other another CMS. I’ve installed the theme with child theme and got this working no problem. I’ve created a page and added some content. If I wanted to have a few rows on the page with different columns say row 1 – single col, row 2 – 3 cols and row 3 -2 cols how would I do that? I know I can add cols using Gutemberg but that doesn’t apply bootstraps grid css which I’m wanting. Any hints appreciated and thanks again.
Hi Abigail,
theme does not support Bootstrap to Gutenberg, that would go beyond the scope of the project. There are plugins for that (not tested):
But my recommendation is to use Gutenberg HTML block instead of plugins.
If you want to use a block inside the columns do it like this:
This is the cleanest way and gives you the full control of everything.
Does that help?
Abi S
Hi Basti,
I did have a play about with one of the bootstrap plugins which did work but your suggestions do provide cleaner code which is what I was looking for.
Thank you.