Bootscore 6.1.0 is here! Learn more

Documentation Theme


Track and review changes to Bootscore’s files helping you to migrate from v5 to v6.

Migrations should always be performed on a backup site and should never happen on a live project.

Here is a list of all the points you need to consider if you have overridden files in your child theme. Note that:

  • labeled items must be resolved, otherwise there will be conflicts with the compiler or a PHP error or which leads into the White Screen of Death (WSoD).
  • labeled items might disturb your layout but do not crash the site.


The following templates have received new filters and actions:


Added a skip-to-footer link for accessibility. Templates changed:


This version includes new features and fixes.

  • If the AJAX cart is disabled by a filter, a second filter add_filter('bootscore/skip_cart', '__return_false'); is required to enable the cart page.

  • Version 6 introduces a theme.json file that adds compiled colors to the Gutenberg color picker. To use this feature, add the new editor.scss file to your child theme’s assets/scss/ folder.

Templates changed

  • template-parts/header/actions-woocommerce.php Refactored to skip cart page. View file

  • footer.php Increased the z-index class of the to-top button. View changes

  • woocommerce/my-account/navigation.php Updated to WooCommerce 9.

  • Added a class to heading wrapper in single-templates/single-full-width-image.php and page-templates/page-full-width-image.php.


While it’s build from v5, almost all files have been changed/moved or have a new name, fallbacks for deprecated functions have been deleted. In conclusion, v6 is a new theme. For a complete list what’s changed, take a look to the changelog.

Installation folders from parent-theme and child have been removed -main suffix in folder name. Means that installing v6 themes will not replace existing v5 ones.

With this in mind, the optimal approach is to begin with a new child theme and gradually transfer your work from the v5 to the v6 child theme, checking each change in the frontend as you progress.

Depending on the size of your project and the number of templates you have overridden in your child theme, migration may take some time. For small to mid-sized projects, it’s possible to migrate within 30 minutes to 1 hour starting with a new child.


  • The folders scss, js, and img have been moved from the root location into the assets folder. Compiled CSS will be created now in /assets/css/main.css. As a result, the enqueue script in the child theme has been modified. If you have Google fonts installed as described here, move fonts folder into assets as well.

  • The Bootstrap source is now loaded in parts, enabling the addition of new _bootscore-utilities.scss. Bootscore’s .scss files have been renamed from for example _bscore_custom.scss into _bootscore-custom.scss for better clarification. Take a look to the child’s main.scss to check how they are imported. Rename your modified files as well and update child’s main.scss.

  • Deleted emtpy Internet Explorer fallback function. Open header.php, scroll down to the bottom and check if <?php bootscore_ie_alert(); ?> still exists. Delete it.

  • Deleted hook after_primary. This affects all content templates like page-*.php, single-*.php, archive-*.php, category-*.php, search.php etc. Open these files and check if <?php bs_after_primary(); > exists. Delete it. If you are using the Isotope CPT, delete this there as well or download the updated version.

  • Replaced <?= bootscore_container_class(); ?> with a filter for more flexibility. This affects all templates where a container is present. Replace entire snippets with class container.

  • Replaced <?= bootscore_main_col_class(); ?> with a filter for more flexibility. This affects all content templates like page-*.php, single-*.php, archive-*.php, category-*.php, search.php etc. Replace string with <?= apply_filters('bootscore/class/main/col', 'col'); ?>.

  • Replaced <?= bootscore_sidebar_col_class(); ?> with a filter for more flexibility. This affects sidebar-*.php. Replace string with <?= apply_filters('bootscore/class/sidebar/col', 'col-lg-3 order-first order-lg-2'); ?>.

  • Replaced <?= bootscore_sidebar_toggler_class(); ?> with a filter for more flexibility. This affects sidebar-*.php. Replace string with <?= apply_filters('bootscore/class/sidebar/button', 'd-lg-none btn btn-outline-primary w-100 mb-4 d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center'); ?>.

  • Replaced <?= bootscore_sidebar_offcanvas_class(); ?> with a filter for more flexibility. This affects sidebar-*.php. Replace string with <?= apply_filters('bootscore/class/sidebar/offcanvas', 'offcanvas-lg offcanvas-end'); ?>.

  • Nav-walker has been moved from an own enqueued file into a pluggable function. if you have registered an own modified nav-walker for example allowing more then 2 levels.

  • Main content col breakpoints have been changed from md to lg. This affects all content templates like page-*.php, single-*.php, archive-*.php, category-*.php, search.php etc. and sidebar.php.

  • Navbar has been refactored from fixed-top to sticky-top. As a result, all content template spacers have been changed from py-5 mt-5 to pt-4 pb-5. This affects all content templates like page-*.php, single-*.php, archive-*.php, category-*.php, search.php etc.

  • Widgets supports now Gutenberg. Existing widgets have been moved into legacy widgets by WordPress. This is not urgent, but they should replaced by Gutenberg widgets step-by-step.

  • The card wrapper in sidebar widgets has been removed for better Gutenberg integration. Follow this instruction to restore the card in sidebar widgets.

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