Bootscore v6 is here! Learn more




This release ships a refreshed loop and sidebar, Font Awesome 6.4.0 plus shortcode, removes 6 WooCommerce templates and has many improvements and minor bugfixes.

No breaking changes since But if you have overridden page/post/archive templates with sidebar in your child, read here first before update. Backup your site, download and upload theme via the WordPress theme-uploader. For more information, have a look to the changelog.

Font Awesome

has been updated to . and can now be added to the body text via shortcode.

[bsfa fa-brands fa-font-awesome] has been updated to [bsfa fa-solid fa-6].[bsfa fa-solid fa-4] and [bsfa fa-solid fa-icons] can now be added to the body text via shortcode. [bsfa fa-solid fa-thumbs-up]

Loop and sidebar

All loop cards have been redesigned to improve usability.

  • Featured image in horizontal cards (cropped lg) has more space, less crop on critical size between lg and xl breakpoints.
  • <h2> title has now class h5 like the Bootstrap horizontal card demo.
  • Badges have now class text-bg-light instead text-bg-secondary class for less dominance.
  • Tags badge function has been refactored to separate “Tagged” title and hide title in the cards.
  • Featured image, title, excerpt and read more link to the article. Meta and badges link to tags, category, comments etc.

To best see the effect, shrink your browser window close to ≤992px breakpoint and compare both cards.



Bye bye Mailchimp, hello Twitter!


Mailchimp changes the terms and conditions and lowers the limit for free accounts from 2000 to 500 subscribers. We switch to Twitter.

Read more »



Sidebar is narrower between lg and xxl size to give more space to the main content and uses now the card-header class for widget-title.

Templates changes

The cols in sidebar and page/posts templates have been changed. If you have overridden one of those templates, change classes to show content and sidebar correct between lg and xxl breakpoints.

Change col-md-4 col-xxl-3 into col-md-4 col-lg-3 in

  • sidebar.php

Change col-md-8 col-xxl-9 into col-md-8 col-lg-9 in

  • single.php
  • single-sidebar-left.php
  • page.php
  • page-sidebar-left
  • index.php
  • archive.php


Alerts have now additional alert-icon alert-*-icon classes to add Font Awesome icons. Check the new docs for more information.

Alert info

Alert info with icon

What else?

  • 6 WooCommerce templates have been deleted without having any effect to the frontend.
  • Search widget in navbar closes now on click outside the div instead closing if searchform loses focus. Every widget can now be used in this position.

Have a great day!

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