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Bootscore 5.3.2

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This update brings Bootstrap 5.3.1, removes two WooCommerce templates, and includes minor improvements. Notably, we added related posts through bs Swiper.

No breaking changes since 5.2.0. Backup your site, download and update the theme via the WordPress theme-uploader. For more information, have a look at the changelog.

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Some users asked for related posts, and we listened. Instead of directly integrating it into the theme, we decided to use the bs Swiper plugin for this purpose. In Bootscore 5.3.1, we added a hook to all single-*-.php files:

<?php if (function_exists('bootscore_related_posts')) bootscore_related_posts(); ?>

bs Swiper 5.3.0 now has a related posts template that displays the last 12 posts from the same category. This template, like all others, can be overridden in the child theme.

If you have older overridden single-*.php files in your child theme, you need to add the hook to use this feature.

Have a great day!

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