

Bootscore 6.0.4


Bootscore 6.0.4 brings WooCommerce 9.6 updates, bug fixes, and improvements. An updated v5.3.8 is available, with v5 support officially ending in May.

This update includes, updated templates for WooCommerce 9.6., various improvements and minor bug fixes. For a detailed list of changes, take a look to the changelog on GitHub.

For users still on v5, an updated v5.3.8 is available.

The future of v5

Since the introduction of Bootscore v6, the popularity of v5 has significantly declined. Here are the download statistics for v5:

  • v5.3.4: 4875 downloads
  • v5.3.5 (after v6 release): 55 downloads
  • v5.3.6: 26 downloads
  • v5.3.7: 25 downloads

These numbers show that only a small group of users, around 25, remain actively maintaining v5. To better focus on the future, we plan to support v5 until WooCommerce 9.9 (expected in May this year). After that, updates and support for v5 will officially end. If you’re still using v5, we strongly encourage you to migrate your site to v6.

What’s next?

We are actively working on Bootscore v6.1 which includes:

  • More filters and new actions: Greater flexibility to deeply customize your theme.
  • scssphp update: Bootscore will move to scssphp v2, which requires a minimum of PHP 8.1. Ensure your server is running PHP 8.1 or newer to take advantage of this update.

New contributors

  • Michele Grimaldi, thank you for identifying and resolving the select bug in the blockified classic checkout.
  • Massimo Ghielmi, thank you for adding the skip-to-footer link and improving accessibility.

Have a great day!

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