bootScore replaces the modified Bootstrap 4 WP Bootstrap Navwalker with a real Bootstrap 5 WordPress Navbar Walker.
bootScore is a major update with changes in header.php and footer.php and no backward compatibility. When updating the parent theme via theme uploader you must change code for nav-walker in both files if you use them in your in child-theme or using the bootCommerce-child.
What is a nav-walker?
A nav-walker is required to create menus in WordPress and display them in the theme. In order to use menus with Bootstrap nav
and navbar
components, WordPress needs a custom bootstrap-nav-walker to handle menus.
Since there was no nav-walker for Bootstrap 5 ready to now, bootScore has used a Bootstrap 4 nav-walker which I modified with some workarounds to get main- and footer-menu work correctly.
AlexWebLab created the first nav-walker for Bootstrap 5 and I implemented in the theme. This nav-walker is incredible tiny and simple. So, less code, better performance, more stable and more options to dropdown alignment.
- Backup your site and upload theme via theme uploader.
- If you are using the bootCommerce child or using a copy of header.php and/or footer.php in your child, you must replace the snippets below in both files.
- Go in Backend to Appearance > Menus and reassign your menus to main-menu and footer-menu.
<!-- Wp Bootstrap Nav Walker -->
wp_nav_menu( array(
'theme_location' => 'primary',
'depth' => 2,
'container' => 'div',
'container_class' => 'ms-auto',
'container_id' => 'bootscore-navbar',
'menu_class' => 'nav navbar-nav justify-content-end',
'fallback_cb' => 'WP_Bootstrap_Navwalker::fallback',
'walker' => new WP_Bootstrap_Navwalker(),
) );
<!-- Bootstrap 5 Nav Walker Main Menu -->
'theme_location' => 'main-menu',
'container' => false,
'menu_class' => '',
'fallback_cb' => '__return_false',
'items_wrap' => '<ul id="bootscore-navbar" class="navbar-nav ms-auto %2$s">%3$s</ul>',
'depth' => 2,
'walker' => new bootstrap_5_wp_nav_menu_walker()
<!-- Bootstrap 5 Nav Walker Main Menu End -->
<!-- Footer Menu -->
wp_nav_menu( array(
'theme_location' => 'secondary',
'depth' => 1,
'container' => 'div',
'container_class' => 'bs-footer-menu',
'container_id' => 'footer-menu',
'menu_class' => 'nav',
'fallback_cb' => 'WP_Bootstrap_Navwalker::fallback',
'walker' => new WP_Bootstrap_Navwalker(),
) );
<!-- Footer Menu -->
<!-- Bootstrap 5 Nav Walker Footer Menu -->
'theme_location' => 'footer-menu',
'container' => false,
'menu_class' => '',
'fallback_cb' => '__return_false',
'items_wrap' => '<ul id="footer-menu" class="nav %2$s">%3$s</ul>',
'depth' => 1,
'walker' => new bootstrap_5_wp_nav_menu_walker()
<!-- Bootstrap 5 Nav Walker Footer Menu End -->
What else?
- Did you see already the new kitchen sink with all Bootstrap components?
- New translation: Swedish, thnx to Emil Lindén
Marco Nite
I have a small problem, in my user case I need to be able to add custom classes to the links created by wp_nav_menu .
To do so, I have a hook filter in functions.php that should be called on nav_menu_link_attributes.
The problem is that bootstrap_5_wp_nav_menu_walker appears to never call nav_menu_link_attributes, so this does not work. Can this be added ?
I have another similar filter for nav_menu_css_class (used to add classes to the elements), which works fine (because nav_menu_css_class is actually called in bootstrap_5_wp_nav_menu_walker).
Hello Marco,
the new nav-walker is developed by AlexWebLab, not by me. You should open an issue on Github for specific questions to this file. I’m sure he can help you and I will keep nav-walker always up to date.
However, in next bootScore version the nav-walker included the menu registration will be a complete pluggable function. So, you can register and use previous nav-walker in child (just in case your hook worked with previous one).
Does that help?
Thank you, I opened a ticket there.
Great theme, love it 🙂
In your new walker, the sub items do not show if they have children.
Changing line 54 in bootstrap_5_wp_nav_menu_walker() solves it :
if ( $depth && $args->walker->has_children ) {
$classes[] = ‘dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end’; // these bootstrap classes make the item not visible
Thanks again !
Have a nice day
Hello L DG,
Great! Thank you for reporting. Changed and it will be part of the next release. However, you can open an issue on official site, maybe it will be part in further releases.
Lo Rednib
Thx L DG I had the same issue.
I had to delete dropdown-mennu
if ($depth && $args->walker->has_children) {
$classes[] = ‘dropdown-menu-end’;
I’m lucky to read your comment while I was looking into bootcoore doc to find a solution !
Thx 🙏
Hello Lo,
just came here to understand and reproduce this again. I created three nested pages
Parent page
– Children page
– – Children of children page
and linked the parent in top-menu, first children in dropdown-menu and everything works fine. But if I link the 2nd children in 3rd level depth, then parent item is hidden. Is it that what you mean?
In this case, Bootstrap allows only 2 level depth, but I’m not sure if I understand this issue correct.
Dave T
Hi B,
Thanks for the great theme 🙂
I think it’s default behaviour of BootStrap navbar for the parent of a drop-down menu-item to be non-clickable.
This may be a bit counterintuitive to some WordPress site owners
In any case, adding the following to your child theme custom.js file will make the parent menu item clickable:
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
// Make navbar dropdown-parent clickable
$(‘a.nav-link.dropdown-toggle’).click(function() {
location.href = this.href;
}); // jQuery End
Dave T
Forgive me – that makes the child elements impossible to select! Hmm
Dave T
Try this:
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
// Make navbar parent clickable
if ($(window).width() > 769) {
$(‘.navbar .dropdown’).hover(function() {
$(this).find(‘.dropdown-menu’).first().stop(true, true).delay(250).slideDown();
}, function() {
$(this).find(‘.dropdown-menu’).first().stop(true, true).delay(100).slideUp();
$(‘.navbar .dropdown > a’).click(function() {
location.href = this.href;
}); // jQuery End
Hi Dave,
maybe this is what you are looking for?
Lo Rednib
Hi Basti,
How can I put the .dropend class to the Navbar Walker ?
I will prefer to have this instead of the .dropdown are in the burger left button.
This is for “Nos marques” and “Collections”
Hi Lo,
you can use classes in the menu settings. Check here
But exactly that what you want to have it’s not possible in my opinion, because dropdown is in navbar menu. I think Bootstrap does not support this. You can try to add classes to dropdown-menu via JavaScript.
Lo Rednib
Thx Basti,
I’ll do that