

WordPress Bootstrap themes – a guide for beginners

WordPress Bootstrap Themes

A guest post by Amelia Lopez

Designing a website is a big deal because it plays a big part in determining how successful you will be in the digital marketing side of your business. For most companies, having a website is a must, making the design and functionality of a website even more important.

WordPress is the most popular content management system in the world, with it having a lot to do with most of what is on the internet. The fact that it is open source and so many developers have frameworks and systems suited to it adds to its popularity. Bootstrap is one of these open-source frameworks that can help you design your own WordPress themes, and it remains one of the most popular options.

Why use Bootstrap

There are many good things about Bootstrap that make it one of the best open-source WordPress frameworks out there. Originally used by Twitter, Bootstrap was created by developers at Twitter in the 2010s, and over the last decade it has skyrocketed in popularity. The fact that it is so easy to use and work with makes it a prevalent choice for front-end developers.

Mobile friendly

Bootstrap is an open-source framework that is designed with mobile phones in mind. This simply means that a lot of the design that goes into it is done with phones in mind. There is a significant focus on that, but why is that important?

As of 2022, about half of all web traffic that most websites receive is through phones. With smartphones becoming so advanced and almost everyone having one, it isn’t uncommon for people to primarily do most of their web activities on their phones. That said, the way in which websites need to be designed for phones is entirely different from the design for websites on a computer. If you’ve ever used the internet on your phone, you would know that it is very annoying on some websites to navigate and scroll through the website properly. Bootstrap makes it easier for developers to design user-friendly websites for mobile phones.

Create responsive designs

Having websites that work very well on phones doesn’t mean that other devices must be given lower priority. One of the many advantages of Bootstrap is that it allows you to create responsive designs and themes that can work well with almost any electronic device. So even if you make a website theme with a focus on phones, Bootstrap allows you to create themes that work well with all devices.


The simple framework and designs make Bootstrap a perfect tool for developers looking to make search engine optimized websites. Search engine optimization is a necessity in today’s digital world, and using Bootstrap is a big bonus. Having better-designed websites for mobiles is a big plus, as it can really boost your website’s SEO.

Where to get Bootstrap

Bootstrap is one of the best development tools out there and is entirely free. To download Bootstrap, you just have to visit their website. There are many services and additional tools online that can help you out with Bootstrap if that is something you are looking for.

Bootstrap WordPress themes for you

Bootstrap is an easy to use framework compared to most of the others, but it still requires a lot of prior knowledge. With HTML and CSS being a large part of Bootstrap, it is crucial that you be familiar with both and have some experience working with them. For businesses that are looking to expand their digital marketing approach and implement better websites into their marketing strategy, WordPress Bootstrap themes allow you to create user-friendly websites. 

While trying to run your business, creating and managing your own website is very difficult. Other than not having the proper knowledge, designing a website, running it properly, and at the same time having it be optimized is a difficult task. Luckily, you can find a lot of help online for this, with many different services available. A digital marketing agency can not only help you with their WordPress development services, but they can also help you out by adequately optimizing your websites.

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