New plugin: bs TOC


New bS Cookie Settings plugin


You may have noticed that the bS Cookie Consent plugin has been removed from the shop since a while. It was simply no longer up to date and legally not safe.

But you may have noticed as well that here on bootscore.me is a new cookie banner where you can accept, reject or manage cookies in a modal. If you have already clicked on a button in the banner, you can always open settings modal again by clicking the Cookie Settings.

We found a great cookie script by Orest Bida, modified it to Bootstrap components and made a plugin of it. This plugin is free and easy to setup. Download and check the documentation.

If you still want to use the old cookie banner, grab it here.

Bootstrap v5.2.0-beta1

Version arrived on May 13, but beta-1 is still not stable enough to create the next bootScore release. We’ll wait until the next beta or stable, which hopefully will come in the next few weeks.

Some highlights for the next bootScore version:

  • SCSS source map
  • WooCommerce is now SCSS
  • Improved cart page
  • WooCommerce quantity -/+ buttons
  • Sticky footer
  • 2 more languages
  • Font Awesome 6
  • Improved Scrollspy
  • Internet Explorer alert by JavaScript instead of PHP
  • Removed many scripts which are now covered by Bootstrap
  • And many many bugfixes and improvements

Just one more thing…

If you are as disgusted as I am by Russia’s invasion in Ukraine and want to help, you can donate. The button in the navbar leads to devsforukraine.io, an online charity event from developers for developers. I donated all bootScore sales in 2022 and we all together collected $102k(!) for Ukraine.

The event is over, but donations are still welcome. Asked already the organizer for a second round.

For Ukrainian developers: I’d love to see your language here in the project. If you want to add translation, just fork the theme on GitHub, translate and create a pull request. This will not take longer than 20 minutes of your time. You get back a 100% coupon and can download paid plugins for free. The money you saved will go back to your country from my own pocket.



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